Day 5: Theraband Strength<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 5470

Day 5: Theraband Strength
Tash Barnard
Class 5470

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Great session, great energy! I use a chair for support for the one leg standing balancing exercises. Side planks leg lifts- still a little challenging for me- not sure why I have not been able to do those successfully- could be something to do with me being taller and having weaker wrist on one side? Are there any tips to modify? I can do them on my shoulder but not on straight arms. Great challenge and great athletic sequence to start your day and keep you going!
Ingrid H
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Great class! I had to modify a few sequences but loved the flow!
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Wonderful.....I am able to modify when needed.  With arthritis in my CMC joints, I am on my forearms on half roller for planks side work.
Nora H
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I really enjoyed this class. It was challenging in a good way. Thank you!
Elizabeth  V
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Challenging, but I feel great afterwards! The rollover to squat is intense!! Go girl!
Silke B
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Loved this class - slowly getting there with the rollover into squats. Thank you so much Tash, so amazing working out with you ❤️
Taghrid K
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Woww these rollover into squats were tricky even though I used to do them before, but I guess if you don't practice them, you lose it with age.. Thank you for the reminder. I could do them but wobbly and a couple of times I had to  use my hands so stoped the video and practiced repeating them. 
Claudia T
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Ammmmazing! Thank you!
Andrea S
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I love this challenge - such hard work. However, I just can't get my legs over my head without swinging and definitely cannot stand up into a squat without my arms. I would love to work on this throughout the year - any guidance around what to do to build the strength to achieve this? 
I can do the rollover to squat when I come up on both legs. One leg for support is a whole other story! I loved your creative exercises with the band! Thank you, Tash!
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