Reformer with Overball<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5520

Reformer with Overball
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5520

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Amazing streches, love it.....Thank you, Sarah
Thank you Martina D !
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Finally got around to this class and I’m glad I did. It was a nice change of pace to include additional stretching. My body responded and I feel great afterwards. Thank you!  
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Sorry but this is beginner class :( Not intermediate
Hi Lacey ,  Yes , I planned his class to be as much of a stretch experience as work.  Changing up the pace and intent can be a powerful tool.  Thank you  so much !
Hi Brenda, Thank you for your feedback. I am not responsible for determining the level of classes...  Sometimes, I do not fully grasp why class are labeled a certain level. With this class there is some creative use of equipment and slightly out of the box positioning so perhaps that is why the class is labeled as is.  Hopefully, you found the class interesting, and if not, No worries  as there are many more classes and teachers to explore .  Take care:) 
Tanya P
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Great stretches! thank you Sarah Bertucelli 
Thank you Tanya P !
11-18 of 18

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