Core Crusher<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 5553

Core Crusher
Carrie Pages
Class 5553

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Martha T
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That was tough! Excited to continue with this practice.
Gracie H
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Loved this! Legs in straps is a killer! My reformer is closer to the ground. Do I need to modify the first movement? Looking forward to next class! Thank you 🙏🏼 
Gracie H Hi there!  You could probably do this kneeling to compensate for the lower reformer!  I hope this helps and thanks so much for taking my class!
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Phew that was tough! Kudos to you talking all the way through its a while since my abs have struggled like that! One question how do you stop your box sliding in the raised semi-circle on my STOTT reformer the box moved (actually had a moment where the end of my ponytail got caught under it as it slid backwards), what could i do to stop it?
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Thank you, Carrie for a great class! 
Tanya P
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wowza!  thank you @Carrie Pages !
Diane Duvall
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My abs almost never get sore these days, but this one did it!  Thanks for an amazing and fun wokrout.  
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So glad to see other comments seeing how tough this was, my first day back to reformer in 2 months after time out and, I needed this challenge, thanks Carrie
Angelina K
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wow, that's amazing! unfortunatily I had troubles performing the semi circle variation so I lowered my footbar half way and it worked! thank you for this challenge!
Creative and challenging!
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