Pelvic Health Reformer<br>Claire Sparrow<br>Class 5564

Pelvic Health Reformer
Claire Sparrow
Class 5564

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Eva K
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brilliant, full of genius, I love it
2 people like this.
Wonderful class! Thank you Claire for sharing your tremendous knowledge on PF Health. Great sequence and info. I especially enjoyed the asymmetrical roll backs with one foot on the headrest, and am really looking forward to including that -- and thighs in straps -- in one of my classes. Cheers to you!
1 person likes this.
1 person likes this.
Great class, lovely pace and cueing thanks
Wonderful class, Claire.  So much great information.  Your pace, cueing and moves were amazing.  This Pelvic Health is so valuable to men and women.  THANK YOU!
Lisa C
1 person likes this.
Thanks Claire as always loved this your knowledge is amazing.
Sofie van der Sommen
What a lovely class!It is so nice to get new knowledge, I'm really looking forwards to your other classes and repeating this one. The exercise with the foot and the headrest and then the rollback is great, feels so smooth and relaxed, love it!Thank you!
Carla R
What an informative and enjoyable class, thank you so very much!!!
What a fantastic class - such clear instructions, excellent pace, wonderful cues and I really felt a difference in my whole body - please do a mat class so I can teach my clients who would love this.
Wow loved this class. I felt like a gift to my body. Thank you.
1-10 of 16

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