Glute and Adductor Strong<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5567

Glute and Adductor Strong
Tracey Mallett
Class 5567

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Booty booty booty….thank you!
1 person likes this.
My legs are like jello! Amazing class Tracey
Natalie S
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No I absolutely did not think you were going to let us sit down! lol another amazing class!
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Great class as always Tracey. Thanks for keeping us on our toes x
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WOW! fantastic class :)
Shona Croft
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I loved this because it was fancy enough (I am sweating,) but not ridiculously fancy. Love. I’ll add this to my FAVES thanks Tracey  XXXXX
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Super fun, creative, lots of good core work and some upper body as well
Tracey L
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What a beating💪💃
Legs on Fire! WOW! That was great. Thank you x
Love this class🔥
1-10 of 21

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