Rhythmic Mat<br>Mychele Sims<br>Class 5594

Rhythmic Mat
Mychele Sims
Class 5594

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Love you Mychele 🥰 you made my day! 
Jennifer E
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Always fun and big smiles when working out to a Mychele class! Thank you thank you!!!!!
Sarah  H
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It is fun and I feel more length😌
Chanda Hinman
Ooh loved the feel good Martha Graham inspired movement at the end! Thanks Mychele!
 It's so cute! Love it!
Oh my! Michele thank you for brightening this drab bank holiday Sunday ! The top leg kick on the clam was a new one for me, loved it…..as for MG inspired at the end, as soon as I’ve digested lunch I’ll be all over it💓💋
Ashley T
I love Mychele's energy. This was the first class I did after I very long break from pilates. Thank you! 
Lina S
Nice to see you bring playfulness into the practice!
I always love your energy! 
That was fun!
1-10 of 15

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