Sculpt + Conditioning Flow<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5617

Sculpt + Conditioning Flow
Courtney Miller
Class 5617

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Rhian P
Ahhhmazing! A Yoga Teacher of 9 Years, Pilates & Barre teacher of 1 - Your classes are inspiring x
I really loved this class! It was challenging and also had a positive flow and energy to it. I loved the yoga flow with one foot in the well at the beginning of class and the fantastic stretch at the end of that series. Thank you Courtney, you are an amazing teacher! You made what could have been a complicated workout easy to follow with your clear instruction. 
Heather T
Absolutely loved the class! More Pilates/Yoga fusion sessions please :)
Great challenging workout!
Rebecca T
Super fast for exercises where a lot of modification or checking the screen might be necessary. These were interesting combos but too fast for me to follow. 
Sara B
Top workout for sure! Love the conditioning.
Chloe G
Loved this!
11-17 of 17

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