Ignite Your Core Overball<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5620

Ignite Your Core Overball
Laura Hanlon
Class 5620

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Susan Chaityn Lebovits
I have been member of Pilates Anytime for 9 years. THIS IS WHY I stay! Super creative and challenging class. HOW is Laura able to speak throughout this entire workout????? Love her so much. 
Aaah!, the precision, the accurate body line alignment/geometry, the decisive cueing... That's Laura's wonderful classes.
Another fabulous class from Laura! Please keep 'em coming!
I had time to do the first half this morning. I can’t wait for the second half @Laura!
Great class and great cueing
I do want to throw my ball at you! 🤣🤣🤣
Marian Lunah
Laura, I always enjoy your classes, thank you so much - and guess what, 45 minutes just flew by! Working with the ball is so playful and brings me back to my childhood gymnastics. But I have to question my stomach muscles after this class as it felt harder than usual
Nina B
just the best!!!
Sasha M
love the use of this ball as a headrest! 
Love the support of the neck with the ball on legs lowering & switch of breath to keep class engaged and focused on breath - Nat and isabel 
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