Advanced Mat Workout<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5621

Advanced Mat Workout
Laura Hanlon
Class 5621

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Roo E
Loved this. Thank you!
Silvana S
That was awesome!! So many challenging moves in a great flow! 
Michela R
Great advanced class, saved in my favs! Loved the pace and transitions, especially the one from plank to signle kicks! How can you breath and talk during that killing teaser sequence?! :P
Dawvyn W
I love the teaser transitions towards the beginning. The kneeling side kick into twist was brutal!! The que to tuck my pelvis and zip up through my inner thighs helped me find my balance between push ups.
great abdominal challenge especially at the end going from all three teaser variations to hip circles, to leg pull front and finishing with push ups. - nat and isabel
John C
Laura's cueing is so good i hardly have to look at the screen to follow.  This is one of the more challenging programs on
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