Athletic, Traditional Flow<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5624

Athletic, Traditional Flow
Courtney Miller
Class 5624

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1 person likes this.
Courtney is my favourite day of the week! Fab class as always. Thank you x
Amy K
1 person likes this.
Love the traditional exercises. They’re never boring when Courtney teaches them. 
Shannon H
Terrific class, as ALWAYS! Thank you Courtney.  
Like all of Courtney’s classes, excellent flow and meticulous cues. This class was one of the few times I’ve felt able to do single leg tendon stretch, because it was so well prepped. Unfortunately, though, I have wrist issues, and this was just too hard on the wrists to do often.
So obsessed with Courtney's classes, look forward to new class uploads! This one is fantastic, seamless flow and super challenging. Need some practise with the SL Tendon Stretch but great to give it a go.
I always love Courtney’s classes! This was challenging but felt amazing
Amazing class Courtney. Fantastic flow and great teaching tips. Thank you for sharing.  I definitely need to practise after a few weeks off. Love it. Thank you. xx
My favorite format you teach! Thank you so much for including this one.
Michele M
That was both fun and challenging!  I do feel taller, stronger and stretched out, so good!:D Thank you for sharing and look forward to more classes with Courtney on PA!
Jessie B
I love all your classes Courtney! They challenge mind and body. Thank you!
1-10 of 12

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