Athletic Sculpt<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5632

Athletic Sculpt
Laura Hanlon
Class 5632

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Beautiful class, thank you
Chloe G
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Loved that. Thanks šŸ«¶
Rudi R
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I LOVE watching all of Lauras videos!
she is amazing , I love all her cues!
thanks for all the videos Laura!Ā 
would love to see you make a jump video next:)
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Perfect invigorating class. And excellent qeues thanks so muchšŸ™šŸ»šŸ¤— Ā Ā 
Love the use of the circle between the ankles in pulling straps to insure we donā€™t forget about our legs and are forced to engage them. Also love the alternative to the front and back controls where we can focus on activating our back leg in our lunges - isabel and NatĀ 
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Loved it ! Will definitely have this in my favourites ! Thank you x
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Rudi RĀ Thank you! I love your suggestion and will think about incorporating the Jump Board into my next video!
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Laura, So enjoyed this workout.Ā  You are an amazing instructor and your cues are right on.Ā  The Circle always adds a new twist to Pilates moves.
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LOVED this class! Going in my favorites for sure! Loved the use of the circle to work extra hard on the upper and lower body. Oblique work-- wow!! Ā LOL
Loved this! Thank you!
1-10 of 11

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