Glide and Slide Reformer<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 5644

Glide and Slide Reformer
Maria Leone
Class 5644

Watch this Class
Melissa D
Always enjoy a Maria Leone workout! Love the glider variations!
Lynzi D
Another great workout in 30 minutes.
Very creative and super fun! I loved the glider series!
Shona Croft
I love your cueing and choreography thanks Maria x
Knockout Piates
Very challenging and fun!
Fantastic flow, energy and cues. 10/10 class. Thank you 
Carla R
Lovely class thank you!!!
Michele S
You rockstar, Maria. Loved it! You are an inspiration. Thanks!
Awesome session. Loved it Maria. Thank you xoxo
Michele M
Loved it!  Short, sweet and powerful!  Thank you Maria!!
1-10 of 15

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