Playful, Overball Mat<br>Kristi C and Meredith R<br>Class 5651

Playful, Overball Mat
Kristi C and Meredith R
Class 5651

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Lovely routine for the morning to get the body woken up and love the props! 
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Appreciate the Basi system, the deep work that calms the nervous system. Thank you to the two Pros.
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Perfect after big hike yesterday!  Just what the body needed.  Feel so good.  
Lina S
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Nice variations with the ball. I’ve really enjoyed the saw with the ball held in the back hand. It increases the stretch and the rotation.
Gisela G
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Yuhuu - girl time again! And with the overball! The best of the best. This felt so good, thank you girls!!
Thank you! I’ve been a bit out of condition of late. This was perfect!
Thanks for joining us on Girl Time! Somehow I think we know when you are there and we always appreciate the feedback! 
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Great class - not a wasted moment! 
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The BEST Duo!!
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Thank you girls!
11-20 of 25

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