Deep Connections Reformer<br>Kristi C and Meredith R<br>Class 5652

Deep Connections Reformer
Kristi C and Meredith R
Class 5652

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3 people like this.
Very feelgood indeed ! Nice fluidity, comprehensive workout without too much complexity, perfect for a hot summer day ! 
Robin S
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LOVE GIRL TIME! I wasn't suppose to be working out but I couldn't wait to do this workout ~ so I told my staff I had an emergency meeting . Thank you for the super comprehensive workout hitting all the traditional points with an extrad added bounce the ball.
1 person likes this.
Girl time, always a good idea Really enjoyed the workout, feels great to start my holidays!
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Cool backband and interesting way to feel shoulder push while sitting on the egg - wish it was a little quicker pace but slow is probably better for me and most populations - thanks! 
Debbie Zelenoy
Ladies! This was so good! Loved the ball focus... badly needed after golf this week!
1 person likes this.
Great class! The deliberate pace really helped me work well deep in my body🙏
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Love Girl Time!!
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Thanks so much everyone for joining us and for sharing your feedback!
Andrea B
1 person likes this.
My favorite combination of instructors! You make my workout fun 😀
1-10 of 22

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