Reformer with Overball<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5658

Reformer with Overball
Tracey Mallett
Class 5658

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not may favourite class by Tracey says its an intermediate class but with the standing work think its more advanced??
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fantastic class tracey! thank you. 
rebecca jane thank you Rebecca actually one of my favorite classes as I love the ball and this class moves with flow! XO
Elena S
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Tracey amazing class! thank you very much, I also love ball on reforma. XXX
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One of my absolute faves of yours - such a hard ab series with the helicopter , cool back extension - great balance work - cool plank with hand on ball. Is this basi block system? Thanks! 
Elizabeth D hello no it’s not 😄 thank you for your lovely kind words xo
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Super class, got me working but as you said its attainable. thank you x
Sandra T hello I think the class is border inter to advanced as there is some balance work. Thank you for your concern xo
Marithé Lessard
Thank you so much , I think I am going to start drinking some tea 😂  , loved these variations , cueing excellent , joie de vivre contagious ☺️ merci Marithé
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Loved this class!
1-10 of 14

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