Pilates & Strength Training<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5659

Pilates & Strength Training
Tracey Mallett
Class 5659

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Emily M
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WOW loved this class!!!!! Absolutely kicked my butt in the best way. Always love your classes so much - such a great mix of strength & length & mobility. Thank you Tracey!
1 person likes this.
LOVED this workout!  As a personal trainer and Pilates instructor I fuse the 2 practices for my clients!  
Sheri T
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Great class. I’m a huge fan of weights on the reformer and this was really fun. Loved the “flying cat”. Reminded me of flying tiger but I like the box variation for higher leg range. 💕
Entire body is energized thank you 😊
Silvana S
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I enjoyed the cardio aspect and definitely got sweaty! Great class!
Sheri T me too! Thank you! 
Lucy O thank a good way to get both in 
Emily M love to hear this! 
11-18 of 18

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