Creating Magic Reformer<br>Dane Sorensen<br>Class 5682

Creating Magic Reformer
Dane Sorensen
Class 5682

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Colette C
I LOVED this class! I loved the exercises 🔥, the clear cueing, your fun personality! I can’t wait to teach some of these exercises to my clients! Thank you for the 🔥
Another great class, even if it did feel more advanced than intermediate.😅 Enjoyed adding the magic circle, and the creative cueing. TY!
The best energy! Really enjoying Dane's classes on here and can't wait for more. Thank you!
Maria del Pilar P
I felt my abds and obliques burning. That feeling stayed with me for the next couple of days. Please more videos with you Dane. You workouts are one of the best in Pilates Anytime!
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