Reformer + Barre Fusion<br>Dane Sorensen<br>Class 5683

Reformer + Barre Fusion
Dane Sorensen
Class 5683

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Ok you’re a Rockstar! This was CHALLENGING and it was FUN
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WOW! I'm so glad I went for something different today. This class was fun, engaging and really got me sweating! I can't wait to do more barre classes and find more of Dane Sorensen's classes. He was so entertaining and motivating!! 
Micki S
OMG, I love you. This will be my flow tomorrow for my duo session. More from Dane please.
Jen R
Dane!!!! You are my spirt animal!!! This is the best!! Love it and you!!!
Your energy made this work out so much fun! Thank you! I wish I could give you a hug!
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How does this incredible man have only ONE workout!? More please?
Jeanna, please don't worry, there are more to come, and soon! 
What a fun class. Giggles and Pilates. Might be onto something good here. Let’s have more! Thank you Dane
Commenting so we get more Dane classes :) Please! Loved so much!
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Wowzers! Dane you are the Ryan Reynolds  of Pilates Anytime, in the best possible sense! Loved your humour and energy, imagery, cueing....I like to teach with wild, yet also strict  abandon when the situation suites. Hee, hee, you made my day as I'm not feeling well so will attempt this one as soon as I'm up to speed again. Thanks again Dane xx
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