Pre Party Pump Cardio<br>Dane Sorensen<br>Class 5686

Pre Party Pump Cardio
Dane Sorensen
Class 5686

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Elli G
3 people like this.
Great Dane! Please upload more ❤️🇬🇷
3 people like this.
Humor, energy, and Dane is a beautiful, inspiring mover. Looking forward to more classes!
2 people like this.
"answer me with your body!!"  Fantastic!. So much fun- thank you!
OMG  You were entertaining, gorgeous and kind! I loved it!
Sarah  H
3 people like this.
Love to have more dance workouts 
Carole M
1 person likes this.
So good! More please!
Harmony P
2 people like this.
Great class, very funny, love it
Celine W
So good!!
Hi Dane, thank you for your really well designed and themed workout! Very enjoyable and fun!  ( I renamed one of the exercises towards the end “ crush the vases”) .
A good collection and organization of ideas here really workable! 
Fantastic humour, love it! So refreshing.
1-10 of 11

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