Full-Body Beginner Reformer<br>Misty Lynne Cauthen<br>Class 5702

Full-Body Beginner Reformer
Misty Lynne Cauthen
Class 5702

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Zola W Thanks you!
Mary K this brings me joy! I love looking at the beginner work in a way that provides access to everyone - sounds like we're on the same wavelength! Thanks for watching. 
Amanda T ❤️
Vanessa R Thank YOU!
Kao L 🙏🏽
Peggy B This is GOLD! Thanks so much for sharing - I always keep hypermobility in mind when creating my classes, so I'm thrilled you noticed! 🥰
Stacy H Thanks for moving with me!
Love this class. Misty is my new favorite instructor!
Really lovely! And I especially appreciate “with grace and dignity”!!!
21-30 of 30

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