Strengthen Reformer<br>Sarah Shell<br>Class 5714

Strengthen Reformer
Sarah Shell
Class 5714

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Faith F
such a great class!!

Excellent !! thank you !

Edie B
1 person likes this.
love how you teach, telling us your spring change first and guiding thru the exercises while keeping up the pace. we need more of you!
Chloe G
Loved that. My poor butt 🔥
Jacqueline S
Very solid class! Great cueing. Definitely going on my favorites list. 
Margery C
So great to add some dynamic balance in standing!  Really enjoyed the class, but in my case, I have to adapt to protect lowered bone density.  Refreshing class :)
Loved this class! Nice challenge. Hope to see more classes from Sarah
Dawn U
I enjoy your classes! I am approaching my 66th birthday and was a little uncertain of lunging off the reformer with one foot on the platform. It would be helpful if you shared modifications to some of the more challenging exercises. I need to work on improving my balance with less intense exercises. Thank you.
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