Dynamic Core<br>Maeve McCaffrey<br>Class 5721

Dynamic Core
Maeve McCaffrey
Class 5721

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1 person likes this.
Really lovely session, with the optional choice of weights and mini band. I haven’t been able to do anything for 2 months and I feel this 😁 Thank you
Laura T
1 person likes this.
I've worked out with Maeve on YouTube and I am thrilled to see her on Pilates Anytime!
Molly M
Love the combinations that you put together.  Very creative
Fantastic, great ques and modifications! quick yet challeging!
I love the pace, the combinations and ur voice!! I’ll try again and make it better
Lina S
I've really enjoyed this empowering workout! I appreciate your cues and explanations on biomechanics.
Linda T.
Loving this series keep it coming 
Zara F
Seriously challenging for me but not impossible. I appreciate all the modifications. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
This series is such a great full body and flows seamlessly! Such a great complement to the pilates work.
1-10 of 12

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