Full Body Sculpt<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5737

Full Body Sculpt
Andrea Speir
Class 5737

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Lisa V
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Thank you. This was amazing -- and no joke! Challenging yet energizing at every point. Fun!
Leanor A
1 person likes this.
Oh my God that killed me! Sort of regret doing this right before going to teach! 😂
Elisa B
2 people like this.
This was soooo good--very challenging and my body feels great after. I will say though, as a 51 year old, my elbows were tender (not in a good way) due to the long forearm planking during the hamstring/glute work. I would recommend coming up on hands, at least for part of the time, for those who may have some arthritis or bursitis. 
1 person likes this.
This was a perfect workout for an afternoon pick me up! Thank you for a great and muscle shaky class!
1 person likes this.
Such a creative session. thank you Andrea S 
Chanda Hinman
Elisa B thank you so much for your feedback! We appreciate the recommendation.
Polly M
What a brilliant class! So targeted and hardcore, despite looking really straightforward! Thank you! 
Rebecca M
Fabulous class! Loved the glute and inner thigh work! ❤️
What a great class and a great pace.  The layered exercises really give the burn! Thank you!  I enjoyed it so much.  
Jasmine  T
The inner thigh portion had me screaming! Great workout.
21-30 of 41

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