Magic Circle Essentials<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5739

Magic Circle Essentials
Amy Havens
Class 5739

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So very happy to see you are back! love your classes.
Shona Croft
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Love everything you offer us Amy x
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I loved it - not so sure that my inner thighs did though 😁
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Just love you and your classes, Amy!! More, please. 😊
1 person likes this.
Simple movement but such challenging work!  Will be coming back to this. Love using the circle. Thank you!
I loved your connecting use of the circle. Your presence makes it so easy to be a fellow human. Thank you. :)
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Thank you Amy, you're such a great teacher - not just an instructor, but teacher - explaining the work and reason behind each movement . It's really a joy to listen and move along.
Amazing teacher, wonderful cues, love your classes
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Thank you, Amy! Love the ring!
1 person likes this.
As always a great class!  Perfect amount of challenge. 
1-10 of 14

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