Lower Body + Core<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5743

Lower Body + Core
Andrea Speir
Class 5743

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1 person likes this.
Andrea SO MUCH 🤩 FUN! Thank you, I am so excited to try your other classes 💥
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thank you for the creativity
Avital D
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Great class! Thank you Andrea!
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class with my favorite prop - the ball! Thanks so much!!
1 person likes this.
amazing energy, thank you
Angela T
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great class! super challenging and fun. 30 mins flew by. thank you!
Maximilian D
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These are by far the best workouts on the platform. Love it!
Carolina H
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LOVED this! I really feel the Abs and Gluteus and the fruits of the endurance work. :) I didn’t have a band with me, so I used a small weight and the ball to add some resistance where I could 
Lina S
2 people like this.
Amazing workout with 2 of my favorite props! A pretty challenging sequence for the glutes!
1 person likes this.
So tough this series but loving it!
1-10 of 15

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