Full Body Flow<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5746

Full Body Flow
Andrea Speir
Class 5746

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Angelina K
3 people like this.
This was amazing! I didn’t want this workout to end! I definitely need more and more! Thank you, Andrea!
2 people like this.
Lots of fun! Clear cues, brisk pace, good level of challenge 
I loved that quad stretch and the creative single knee stretch and lunges. Thanks so much! 
Mel S
2 people like this.
Amazing flow as expected - LOVED that plank row and twist and flipping the palms on the arms facing away series was fire!
Tanya P
2 people like this.
good stuff! great progressions... thank you Andrea S ! loved the plank row and twist! 
3 people like this.
Ummm… I officially have a new #pilatescrush
2 people like this.
GREAT reformer session - such an intense 35 minutes fabulous!
1 person likes this.
1 person likes this.
What a great class! I’m a busy mom with little time for workouts and this was fast and efficient and effective. Love the vibe, energy and pace of the teacher.
Caroline Close
Fabulous! Thanks for a great workout. Can't wait for the next one of the challenge☺
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