Glutes + Abs<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5748

Glutes + Abs
Andrea Speir
Class 5748

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Carolina H
1 person likes this.
So good; especially for the booty! Thank you! Will be visiting this class again 🤗
Another great workout from this instructor! 
This class was amazing! Love Andrea's classes
Suzanne C
Wow - my glutes are burning. Loved the side planks. 
Wow that was hard work I loved it thanks for your energy! I need to put more energy in to make change in my body 
Muchas gracias!! me encantan tus  clases!! y también tu ropa, y el Top que llevas, de que marca es ?? o que pagina de internet??. Gracias!!
Judy B
Loved the side planks! My glutes and abs are toast!
Great class!  I can’t wait to do it fairly regularly to see how flexibility and endurance improves.  
Queen of transitions!
Sabine G
Thank you Andrea S , I've had so much fun jumping back into my routine after a couple day's off on vacation. Your classes are very creative and connects the whole body as you are mentioning
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