Strength + Cardio<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5749

Strength + Cardio
Andrea Speir
Class 5749

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Mel S
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Love that unilateral reverse abs series! Always a burner!
1 person likes this.
So great! Can’t wait to do this over and over. I also really appreciate the cues. I also teach so it’s so nice to hear awesome cues and clear direction.
1 person likes this.
Wow- I love how fast, athletic, and challenging your reformer classes are. I’ll be taking them again and again and will have to fit in your mat classes now too- which I never do!
Wonderful workout! I loved every part of this challenging full-body workout. Great abs, glutes, legs, and arms all with a little cardio sprinkled in. I really like the length and the new teacher! This one is going in the regular rotation!
Sharon M
OMG this was intense....loved it! Thank you!

1 person likes this.
WOW! LOVED the challenge and feeling worked (but good) at the end. Loved the inner thigh work at the end!  Thank you --  will be coming back to this to increase endurance.
what a workout!! Great flow 🙏🏼
Loved! so sweaty and ready for my day. Popped in my faves, thank you x
Eunkyung S
Excellent with abs with ball exercise
Mary Jo L
Loved this ab work! I thought mine were pretty good-and now I have a new goal!!!  Loved this class.   
1-10 of 21

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