Full Body Fire<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5750

Full Body Fire
Andrea Speir
Class 5750

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Sarah T
Amazing class. Looking forward to more classes with you!
Longest 10 second intervals.💪🏼😅 Great class!🔥 And so true, “It’s easy to show up for up for other people, but a lot harder to show up for yourself.”💯
Sara without the H
That series was fantastic.  I'm sure to return to this series again.  Looking forward to starting the mat series.  😀 Thank you 🥂
So fortunate to have your latest workouts on Pilates Anytime!   Continuous flow, challenging moves, always great cueing and form!
Amazing class! really enjoying this series and your instructions ;)
Desiree E
Great class and flow! I do love your classes. I felt all the exercises so thank you!
Thank you Andrea! Legs/adductors shaking!!
Sarah P
Excellent challenge! The flow during classes where setup changes are minimized is sooo appreciated and makes you stand out as an instructor. Hope you teach more on Pilates Anytime!!
Wow, Love your teaching style. Thank you for the amazing classes, cueing and creativity.
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