Creative Reformer Variations<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 606

Creative Reformer Variations
Tracey Mallett
Class 606

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The port de bras at the end was a lovely variation. The whole class was fun and beautifully narrated.
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Amazing, innovative and super efficient for the time. Tracey's classes are the best.
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great class! challenging. had to modify.
1 person likes this.
I DID like this - wrong click of the mouse!
Great variations.
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wow!!!! I enjoyed every second of this class!!! Thank you very much!
1 person likes this.
tracey, love the simple variations and good cues! thank you! I always look for your classes:)
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments!! I have another reformer class going very soon
Helen H
I really enjoyed the challenging, but not too challenging class. Level 2? I think more like a 2/3.
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Helen ~ Thank you for your feedback. It always hard to determine the class level because it is subjective. After reviewing this class, I have decided to keep it at a level 2 because these exercises are appropriate for an intermediate student. Tracey's classes are always intense so it makes them seem more challenging.
Love your style. Beautiful !!
21-30 of 38

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