Reformer Fundamentals<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 692

Reformer Fundamentals
Meredith Rogers
Class 692

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Wonderful class, just what I needed! Thank you Meredith!
Thank you Holly!
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Love! As a slightly older than average, newbie, home practitioner, I appreciate these fundamental classes. Meredith, your cueing is awesome. I will look for more of your classes!!! (And will come back to this one often.)
Great Amy! I so appreciate your feedback. I feel that, even for the most skilled movers, it is always valuable to return to the basics. Give yourself time with them :)
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Thank you....lovely relaxed way of getting the message across, feel great.
Thank you Patricia :)
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Love it...It is a way to go back to the source.
Elaine Clayton
Great class! So good to return to foundations. Loved stomach massage with short box. I have been looking for a way to teach stomach massage to Level 1, this will be perfect! Thank you Meredith you are lovely!
Thanks for slowing down with me, ladies.
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Thank you once more:)
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