Strong and Playful Mat<br>Michael King<br>Class 768

Strong and Playful Mat
Michael King
Class 768

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Michael, I loved this, I trained with you 10 years ago in the UK and it was so nice to watch your class and realise where I get a lot of my habits from!!! (Good ones!!!) Louise Hurley
Michael never fails to deliver a challenging but enjoyable class. Wonderful instruction, flow and grace. X
Fantastic class x
Inspiring. And a very nice teacher
the dancer can be felt through pilates.
Thank you for your comments
Beautiful concepts and vivid cues, thank you! I enjoyed the emphasis on the stabiliser muscles.
Thank you Lynn for the great comments
El video se corta en el minuto puedo terminar de ver la clase, y ya van unas cuantas asi....
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more classes like this please! Inspiring and uplifting...... oh and lots of hard work
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