Gratitude Reformer<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 777

Gratitude Reformer
Leah Stewart
Class 777

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Kerry - thank you so much! What incredibly kind and wonderful words! Made my day!
Leah, I really loved the positive affirmations you give throughout this really creative and challenging session. Woo! Those push ups are really something but as we know we must look for the challenge. right? As always great. Judy
Gosha McClung
Great class!!!
What a wonderful class!!!
The creativity , the energy,the flow.
You have it all,
Thank you so much
Meital shemesh

Thank you both, Malgorzata and Metal! Your feedback means a lot to me, thanks!
Judy - so sorry my comment back is late. Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed. I love those pushups too
Michele G
needed props-dowels and therabands
Hi Michele,

Although I state at the very beginning of class that you'll need both a dowel and a theraband, I will ask PA to also put that information in the class description, so that members know before they click play. Thank you for bringing it to our attention

In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy/enjoyed the class!

Have a great day!

Michele~ Thanks for the feedback and help in pointing this out to us! We've listed those props in the description now.
You are amazing !!! Love u !
21-30 of 36

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