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This show has Playlists that can be taken as courses.

Making Connections

Whether you're finding new connections to different parts of your body or how you can use your equipment better, this program will give you the tools you need to enhance your practice.

Thass® Connection

Sometimes, it's hard to activate the area between your thigh and your booty, or what is also known as the Thass®. Lesley Logan is here to help in her new series to build strength in your legs and glutes to support the rest of your body.

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Arm & Back Connections

Welcome to Arm & Back Connections with Lesley Logan! In this space, you will learn how to establish a profound connection between your arms and back. This knowledge will provide superior support for your body throughout your practice. As you progress, you will have the opportunity to test your newly acquired skills in more advanced classes.

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Footer Pilates Anytime Logo

Welcome to Your Pilates Era

Experience Your Joy

Let's Begin