10-Day Pilates Reset Mat Challenge

When was the last time you surprised yourself by accomplishing something you thought you couldn't do? In this 10-day, full-body challenge, Carrie Pages will guide you through a series of workouts designed to inspire you and get you excited to move. Each class has a different focus but the intention is to integrate your whole body for a mind-body-soul transformation. Let's blow our minds with what our bodies can do!

Tips for Success, What You'll Need

May 18, 2020
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Tips for Success
Carrie Pages
2 min
Non Pilates
Back Bend, Extension, Strength, Mobility

May 18, 2020
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Day 2: Extension
Carrie Pages
20 min
Pilates Unlimited
Lower Body, Strengthening, Creative, Fun

May 18, 2020
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Day 3: Hips, Glutes & Thighs
Carrie Pages
30 min
Pilates Unlimited
Side Body, Side Bending, Stretching, Strengthening

May 18, 2020
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Day 4: Side Bending
Carrie Pages
20 min
Pilates Unlimited
Traditional, Flow, Transitions, Fun

May 18, 2020
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Day 5: Classical Flow
Carrie Pages
15 min
Pilates Unlimited
Rolling, Creative, Combinations, Fun

May 18, 2020
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Day 7: Rolling
Carrie Pages
20 min
Pilates Unlimited
Back Strength, Neutral Pelvis, Creative, Fun

May 18, 2020
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Day 8: Back Strength
Carrie Pages
20 min
Pilates Unlimited
Arms, Push Ups, Fun, Creative, Energetic

May 18, 2020
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Day 9: Upper Body
Carrie Pages
20 min
Pilates Unlimited
Full-Body, Creative, Fun, Variations

May 18, 2020
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Day 10: Put it All Together
Carrie Pages
15 min
Pilates Unlimited

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Dee S
5 people like this.
I loved the transitioning from the back to side in the first set of abs
Janine S
Please CANCEL my booking!
Yvette O
1 person likes this.
Hi Carrie, these classes are amazing! Looking forward to the next 6!
Tatyana M
2 people like this.
I love this challenge!
Angela T
2 people like this.
After completing this challenge, my heart is so full. What a wonderful program and Carrie, you are a delight.  I laughed and caught myself clenching my jaw at times when things got tough, but I’m so proud for finishing. I am so excited to do the challenge again. ✨❤️
Thank you, was fantastic, see you for the next challenge 💪🏻
Thank you for this incredible series! Loved all of the workouts
Noa W
1 person likes this.
Challenge completed together with my sixteen years old daughter. We had so much fun!!🙏
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed the challenge! Wasn't able to get to it every day but I got up from each class feeling great! Thanks for a fun series Carrie!
1-10 of 25

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