Tutorial #1342

Jump Board Tutorial

5 min - Tutorial


Niedra Gabriel hopes that you use this basic introduction to Jump Board tutorial to learn how to utilize the Jump Board as a fun way to increase strength in the feet, tonality in the stomach, and power in the body. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Jump Board

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Jan 24, 2014
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Hi there. So I have Amanda here and we go into the basics of jumping board. It's a really fun way to get more sophistication in the feet and get to novelty in the stomach and just really have fun and kind of get out of your head because it's the moment you can't do it if you're in your head. But Mandy, I'd like you to start with for me in a Pilati sense, he heals it together and straighten your legs. Go all the way out. Two legs are straight. So this is the start point. All five toes a down, all five toes are spread. And if possible, straight and the heels are anchored in powerhouses engaged. Now keep your heels down. Let's see how far you can bend your knees without and feel the weight into the heels and then straighten the legs. That no, that's fine. And Ben, so all you're doing is learning to keep the feet as a foundation and hinge in the ankle joint. That's it. Keep going just a few more times.

You have this sense of spraying in the leg with the knees, bending in the ankle, giving. Now we add onto that. We add finishing, straighten. They always start from straight. I'm actually going to bring the feet a little closer and just lift the heels up, but keep the toes the ball of the foot on and then lower the heels down. No knees straight. Bend your knees. Now Bend, straighten, lift your heels up and lower down and bend your knees and straighten and lift your heels and down. Two more times like this, just so you get the the the degrees of what you're going to be moving through. One more time and straighten. Lift your heels and lower down. Now we'll add on so we start again.

Bend your knees, straighten, lift your heels. Now see if you can roll up onto the toes and your which way you can. Do not move your feet. Lower the ball of the foot back. Lower your heels, bend your knees straight, your legs onto the ball of the foot. Roll onto the toes. Roll the ball of the foot down. Roll the heels down a few more times. This is the most hard part.

Making the toes actually work to raise nice work, lower the ball, the ball, and then the heel and bend your knees and straighten onto the ball of the foot through the toes, up onto the toes as best you can. The getting stronger. Roll the ball of the foot down, roll the heel down. So that's your foundation of what the foot actually goes through. When you start jumping, usually people get stronger with the toes, the more times they practices. Now when you start jumping, I'd like you to see if you can get that concept that you flow to all these stages, but you're doing it fast so you can't think too much.

So you'll start bending your knees and you start with small and after you. So just start with that band and then hop and Huh and hop. That's it. So now keep going with this and start to think of really zippering everything together and adding power and press and that's an empress. And keep the stomach and push and push and land and push and land and push.

Keep the heel down and press. Now power up, power and power and power. And power and power. And last year when I'd come in in the land, very, very nice. So fun to do. Now let's just add single legs at a time. So you're going to jump up, scissor the legs. As you come down, you'll land with one foot bent behind you at the ankle. So it's going to be like this. Your foot is, we had to have the slight Pilati stand.

Then you'll zipper your legs up and land with the other foot. So just to show what's going to happen. Mandy's go to jump up. She's zippering her legs like needles under her and then she brings one foot behind the ankle. So she's landing on one foot, then she jumps up with that foot, brings her legs together and lands with the other foot. So it's land up land. So here we go. You always start straight so your heels are down.

Start with the heels down cause you always start from the, now you're going to bend and start. I would suggest a few jumps with both legs. Once you have a sense of it, you'd start shifting leg [inaudible] I have a go and one and two. After the fourth one you start going into single zipper one. And I wanted behind. Not in front. So keep going. So you wanted start straight, start straight or we start straight heels.

Now just for a moment, bend one, knee bent one he lifted off the board and put it here. So that's where you're going to be handling. And you want to keep the hips square? Yes. So have a go. So just start with both legs and really pull the size up. Try to make that, get those long lean legs. Yes. Now see if you can land with one foot when you feel ready.

One push with that leg. Yes, that's it. And down and down and down and down and back to two legs and one I like those toes. Reach them. Reach from the ankles. Long three. She's getting some power going one more time cause it's fun to see you do that. And pause. Straighten your legs. That was lovely. This is basic so people can just spend a lot of time. Just on that.

Sometimes you can get into this, lots of choreographic variations, but you can also practice jumping with one foot back and forth. You often want like will be much weaker than the other and it's just a way to kind of train power into the body. So let's have a go. I think you're up to that. Just do a few jumping with both legs and then choose one leg and do four hops. Switch four hops in a pilates v. Yes.

So here we go. And one, I want those size pulled up Mandy and the stomach tight the whole time for now. Go for one leg and when you're ready and I want the leg behind your in front. You've got this thing about in front, I want it behind. So have a go again. Yeah. Yeah. So you're just going to hop with the foot and if you can, you anchor it behind the other foot. Okay, here we go. And One and two and three nights.

Stretch that one. Good and too, oh, look at you three. Pull that like right under you. Now switch when you're ready. One, pull it right under you. So you think of your heel under your nose. It's off to the side. That's it. And back to the center. And again, both legs. One every time leaning in legs. That's right. One more. As strong as you can end up as lovely. Okay, fine, Huh? Yes. Okay. So have fun. Jumping board is a treat.

Make your clients laugh. Great aerobic workout. Hope you're enjoying it. Thank you.


Thanks for the great foundation work Niedra! You have a great way of breaking down the movement.
Niedra Gabriel
Thanks Lea, you sound very passionate about teaching ( I looked at your bio) so all the more pleased that you found the tutorial informative.
2 people like this.
thank you Niedra, I really liked the footwork at the beginning and will do that with my clients!
How many springs did you use?
Niedra Gabriel
Hello Silke, I believe I used 2 springs, I was using a balanced body reformer so it was probably a red and blue spring but I am not sure so far past the film time.
a bit of advice: always test the spring tension before you set up the jump board as different reformers have different tensions and what is important is the right among of tension to allow for jumping with out being too light or too strong. You can feel it on your body.
1 person likes this.
Great and informative introduction onto the jump board. I love the simple and easy language you use. I will be sure to "borrow" it for my classes. Thank you!
I love the way you teach! Thank you Niedra!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Maureen and Jessica, so glad you enjoyed this tutorial, the jumping board is often under used yet so much fun!
A whole Jumpboard class please Niedra? Xxxx
Niedra Gabriel
great idea - will see if I can get filmed with such a class. Looked at your website - you sound amazing.
1 person likes this.
Hi! I've just bought a reformer but my coach hasn't covered jumpboard work in our sessions. What would you recommend for those who don't have much ankle flexibility? Mine only really make it to 90 degrees, no less. I've worked through this video on my toes for most of it, but I don't want to be hurting myself or missing out on work.
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