Introduction #2318

Active Aging

1 min - Introduction


What is Active Aging? In this playlist, Erika Quest addresses this question with classes and tutorials designed for aging independent movers. She addresses fall prevention, reaction time, neuroplasticity, and more!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Sep 27, 2015
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Active aging. What is active aging? We're working with 50 plus, believe it or not, in this category. It's comprised of three different groups, dependent, independent, and elite. This content is going to be focused on the independent exerciser, somebody who can wake up in the morning and perform all of their activities of daily life without assistance. There are five different types of aging, chronological, functional, biological, social, and psychological. Believe it or not, four out of five of those ages can be improved upon. The only one that cannot is your chronological age.

I'm 40 years old. I'll never be 39 again. Darn it. So many of these classes are going to be focusing on fall prevention, reaction time, neuroplasticity, and they're all going to be geared towards the independent exerciser to help them improve on their neuro-plasticity, their brain health. There fall prevention in reaction time, their self efficacy, meaning their confidence and of course their activities of daily life. I hope you enjoy.

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Love your clarity and poise. Thank you for this programming.
Erika Quest
Thank you, Nancy! Much much love and thanks for the comment. Also was wonderful to see you at SCW this weekend. xo
1 person likes this.
Excellent introduction, thank you. I'm really inspired.
Erika Quest
Wonderful, Jennifer! I'm inspired, too because this work will help me Actively Age well, too!
1 person likes this.
Thank you erika, I loved the games you were playing with the clients and found due to a head injury that I was struggling to keep up myself could you recommend a book something on line that would help me with that and my teaching of the older population
Erika Quest
Hi Sophy, Thanks for watching. Such a dear passion of mine. I work with a few traumatic brain injuries in my studio and apply a lot of this work. There are many resources, but I would suggest you read a book by Dr Norman Doidge called The Brain's Way of Healing. Much love, Erika
1 person likes this.
Thank you Erika, I love what you are doing x
Maggie L
1 person likes this.
Thank you for Erika Quest for offering this program and expressing how relevant it is even for those at the age of 50.

Wondering where I can find a bit more elaboration on the terms -- functional, social, psychological, biological -- instead of making guesses and assuming I'm following what aspects of life you are referring to here in this context.

Erika Quest
Hi Maggie Thanks for watching this brief intro! Yes, you can certainly find more information on the 5 types of aging. It is often delivered in larger certification courses for this population, but some nice resources for you to look into and see if they have full definitions available are the American Council on Exercise or through Another great resource is ICAA or the International Council on Active Aging. Hope this helps! Very best, Erika

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