Tutorial #2324

Applying Aston Kinetics

15 min - Tutorial


Discover something new about your body in this tutorial with Judith Aston. She takes the concepts from her Aston Kinetics Class and applies them to the Saw and the Rollover. She focuses on finding neutral, as well as playing with asymmetry, gravity, and ground reaction, so you can improve your range of motion feel more connected in your body.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Oct 11, 2015
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Hello everyone. Um, we just finished a group class and I certainly hope that you'll observe that class practice the ideas that we presented in the class. And because of that now Kristy Cooper and I are going to take the results of what people learned in their class and apply it to two of the exercises that she chooses and what was I like to test out the saw and also rollover. Okay, good. So A, we'll apply the learning to these two designs. All right, so let me just observe you. Which one do you want me to do first? Um, this off. What'd you do at your normal way before the class so that I could just observe that and then we'll play with those cueings from the class. Okay, thank you. Okay, so as you are doing that now, the pieces that we did were to find neutral, to play with asymmetry and to play with gravity and ground reaction force. So let's do that now.

This time what I'd like you to do is as you start lifting your arms, think about the contact points here and your pelvis. Simply pushing those to those four contact weights into the table. Just as you lift your arms there and now don't do that and feel the difference. [inaudible] it's more isolated. I feel that through here. Yes. Do it one more time. Both ways.

Okay. So to begin, will you start again with contact point GRF GRF as you get here, go co-head. Yeah. Release the contact points slightly to push off again to rotate your body toward the pushing off this side a little bit more. There you go there. How does it feel like I'm over there now? Far. Okay, good. And come on back and do the other side. GRF GRF contact points being the heels being the issue of tuberosities.

Now don't use the contact points and show people the difference. Please. It feels like you hit a stop. Yeah, yeah. And rage, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the GRF gaps, the joints and it lengthens you. So therefore your rotation is greater and you're far less likely to keep perpetuating one sidedness so let's do it one more time. GRF softening the GRS contact points again to rotate.

Beautiful. And GRF again. Very nice. Very nice. Big Difference. Okay, so now let's go one again. Contact points, contact points. Now, right here, think about your effing again off the issue to grasses. So you hinge through your hip and you go further forward. Now you round and beautiful and push off the leg to come back. You can't see her expression as well as I can, but it's really fun.

Cheer, cheer, have lengthen long there and now flex. Beautiful. And so what I want to draw your attention to, even before you do the other side, is that when you were first doing this, as soon as you would start to bend forward, this would flex like you'd run out of room. So your head was trying to make up for it somehow. This time I see you, he long gate and then everything rounds instead of just the upper thorax. Try that again.

Good. Yeah. Good. That's great. And so now do it the old way once. This is the research part of my work. Can you feel you're going back into yourself? Yeah, the trunk is [inaudible] all the way. Yeah. Okay. And again, the old way, new way, your way. Does that feel agreeable?

It's not changed too much in any way. Good. No. Very nice. I just more connected. Good. Okay. Number one. And now number two, let's see it the way you did it so beautifully. Thank you. So no, shall we a play. So start with first of all, um, with your legs straight down and relax on the table and feel, if you just put your heels into the table and push into flection, it elongates your body.

Can you feel that now? This time, relax. So you're anchoring here and leave it there as you push and it will really linked in your body there. It pushes you that way. And now do it with your heel of your hand as well. Good. That's the length to start. Slightly released when you get there.

Go ahead and now use your hands to really push down, engage that ground reaction for us to bring the legs. What's happening? Lighter, lighter, longer. [inaudible] troll the fall with the hands, sir. Good, good, good, good, good. Yeah. And now just for fun, we'll start the same way. But as you start to come back, play with your hands ever so slightly on my newt motions of asymmetry as you start to okay. Lower. Okay. It's happening there as well. But let's do it mainly on the descent.

Slight slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide. Slide. Slides liked [inaudible]. That's really good. What happened? Um, I'm gonna tell you, you'll tell me when you can breathe. [inaudible] the interesting part is it feels even, even though I was doing, yeah, and by the way, that is about like this, it's almost imperceptible. But as you'll see in the class, the idea of the asymmetry is to the given slight asymmetries, both anatomical Lee and through injury and so on.

How we've made ourselves, or an Andy exercise, we've made ourselves asymmetrical. This just started to negotiate those asymmetries. And when they get movement through loading and release pressure and no pressure, they start to change. So we're actually improving from the oscillation. So that's, yeah. So now let's continue.

The advancing of these ideas play with the oscillation on the way up. Very nice. She's making sounds, Huh? Hmm. Those are sounds of someone discovering something about themselves. Very exciting.

Hmm. Well, most out she's exploring. I have to do that every day. Go ahead and sit up and tell me, you might have to skip back a little bit for the shot. I said I have to do that every day. I don't know why yet. It's just like that's what I need in my life. Um, it was different growing up. I don't know how yet. Um, yeah, it appeared as though you were going up symmetrically and so you were more on hold as soon as you got over and gravity helped the legs wait into the spine and you started this feathering. I saw changes, changes, changes on the descent when you started going up with the asymmetry ever so slight ever so slight micro, micro [inaudible] it's started too. You were wider, it looked like you were wider across your back, more evenly released as you were going up, even going up to you. Okay. Cause that wasn't as easy for, I mean, I could feel it, but I don't know how to describe that one as easily. Yeah. Um, yeah. But certainly on the way down, the whole width of my back felt like that and open and balanced and but it feels like therapeutic too. Not just good.

I see something's changing. Isn't that fun? Yes. That's wonderful. So we took a basic class, applied it to a simple exercise and then applied it to more advanced for you. That's the progression and you can do that to any exercise looking for what are the four in this case, what we mainly covered in the class was finding your neutral first, right. Playing between the forces of gravity and ground reaction using slight asymmetry. Those were the main three.

That's great. Really Great. I mean, even now I feel Martin even on my system. How do you feel standing? Yeah, steady way. Marty better than normal. So would you tell me if you can, what was the experience that made it close to your emotion? Close to your heart, close to your whatever it is. It said, I have to do that. What? What was that? It's the balance. The s the sense of feeling balanced or being balanced. I have a choice.

That's the piece. To me, the bottom line we all have to remember is we have choice. And when we don't have choice, we need the question. You need to go [inaudible]. It's true. And I think what, why I get a little, because it's sort of the point for me for Pilati is, is you know if or how if the, what you're living in isn't, um, sound yes. Uh, you know, then then do bodies, right? Well, I do bloodies and, and, and sometimes I even forget and sometimes, um, just these little subtle feathering motions, you know, that, that give me back that reminder of I can, I can not do it and not feel that way or I can take charge and take some responsibility for it. And I appreciate having that tool. But that is the feeling of like, oh, it was just that little motion. Because so often what happens is when we expect our body to move a certain way, or when we're taught that it's has to move a certain way and we don't, it's pretty much about not being good enough, skilled enough, not doing it right, et cetera. It's a, it's a very different kind of feeling.

Then I just felt my back open up while doing the work. I love politeness. I just felt that I made the choice to slow down the temple. Oh, that worked for me. Right? Yeah, and at home you all have this opportunity. You are your own best teacher. You are your own best teacher.

Thank you so much for your interest and joining into Aston Kinetics.

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Roberto Cerini
Well, again an interesting and moving class. I hope new classes with some "alien" techniques and methods are going to land here! You should create a specific series about this cross-over approach. Phillip Beach, Tom Myers, Judith Aston are good, but what about Feldenkrais, Rolfing, Alexander and on and on?
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Thank you, Pilates Anytime, for being willing to bring us not just effective exercises but effective concepts.
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Thank for sharing this experience Kristi Cooper! It was MARVELOUS. I just spent 6 days in Tahoe learning from Judith, again, and I can't say enough about her. Her concepts are Linchpin for any movement, whether it is getting a cup in a cupboard, chopping veggies, yoga, massage, driving, you name it. I look forward to more! woohoo!
Thank you it was interesting!!! Open words!Thanks
Talk about mind to body energy and connection! I love Judith's message that our bodies are not static so we have to constantly tweak it. So powerful in an unexpected way. Totally understood where Kristi was coming from...it's all good! Thank you for teaching me that.
I'm thrilled you enjoyed this tutorial. I think Judith is so effective and fun to learn from. So much so that I've invited her back! Be sure to check out Judith's class too! Aston Kinetics
Brilliant piece ladies. Thank you for sharing this moment indeed. Although I cannot do this exercise quite like Kristi, it gives me something to shoot for. I want to know if you have been doing this every day Kristi, and I am thinking this is a great movement for anyone who has had lung stuff. Great work.
What a beautiful lesson and moment captured. Pilates is a gift to the body.
Maggie L
2 people like this.
There's so much content released on here I couldn't possibly keep up with it all so I'm happy Judith Aston was on my radar after I recently re-listened to her January 2015 interview with Brooke Thomas on the Liberated Body podcast. She talks about working with Dr. Ida Rolf -- that might be of interest to you Roberto Cerini since you mentioned a Rolfing perspective in your post.
Hi Maggie,
i happen to agree with you and Robert. I will create a place for them that is clearly marked. I may even make a program that is specifically Aston Kinetics as it relates to Pilates. Judith was here last weekend and she rocked my Pilates notions again! Look for new content from her in about 6 weeks (maybe sooner)! Thank you both for the great suggestion!
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