Tutorial #2543

The Hundred

10 min - Tutorial


Apply the concepts from Aston Kinetics to the Hundred in this tutorial with Judith Aston. She shows how you can find your neutral which will give you the ability to use the ground force reaction needed to move easily. Once you learn how to use this force, you will feel longer and more connected throughout your body.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 03, 2016
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This is the Aston Kinetics class for the 100 Kristy Cooper will be demonstrating the way that she, well she has many variations that she can do for the hundred as probably many of you have many very key variations, but let's just see one of them. Christie, do I need, okay. Okay. Uh, may I just see the beginning again? Just one more time. Kind of pay attention to what you do first, what you do, second, what you do third and then go ahead and go into it as though you're going to do maybe four pulses. Feel how your body feels, particularly through your abdomen, through your neck. See if you can pay attention to this area of your knee and rest. Good.

One of the things that I like to focus on in the people that I trained like to focus on is individualizing a, any activity we do for the person that we're working with. Um, there are certain common denominators and there are a couple of concepts that I just want to have you become aware of. Um, one of them is at the idea that a body starts in neutral from it's most available neutral first. So in this case neutral would be where my weight is more evenly distributed through my whole body on down through to my feet. So I'm aligned front to back. I'm not leaning back, I'm not sucking in, I'm just resting in this neutral position. So finding neutral. The second concept is when the body is in its best alignment, the forces of gravity coming through the body down and the ground reaction force that comes and pushes any object on the earth off the earth toward the stars.

It's called ground reaction. So when we know how to use gravity pulling us down and ground reaction pushing us off when we knew how to recycle those two forces, the work in the body, whether it's exercise, whether it's running, whether it's picking up your child, is more evenly distributed. So a couple of things have come to me about this particular setup that are compromising Christie's body just a bit. One is the amount of hyperextension at the tibial plateau that's going on. If she lets go of that and really hyper extends, she can go all the way down there. The laxity allows her to do this.

This is a very, very common pattern for people. When the knee hyper extends to that degree and the lower leg at the tibial plateau is supposed to cheerier, it pushes the lower leg back and the thigh forward. This is a setup for increasing tension on the front of the hip, on the front of the knee and many times at the posterior placement where pelvis in leg meat. So I'm going to have her start by focusing on bringing the tibial plateau. It may feel slightly bent to her, but I'm going to have her focus on bringing this slightly forward a little bit more, little bit more, little bit more.

So you're almost rocking down here on this bar. Can you feel that your leg and you'll be able to see this in the film now is really much more straight. Okay. And I would like you to use this ground reaction. Now to do the first movement, which is push off a slightly on the contact point with your left leg to bend your right leg up, push down with both hands onto the mat to GRF to bring the other leg up. Push both hands and GRF away from you, down into the Mat and away to not only lengthen your body, but tone your core. So now your body's in a toned, lengthened core position to begin the next move and bringing your arms up and flexing.

Now just that alone, relax. And tell me what you felt was different. Um, I felt more engaged and ready to go. Um, I wasn't aware of my niece. Oh, I can't think. Okay. Um, so yeah, I just felt more ready. Okay, let's do it. So start again. Tibial plateau. Rocking on the bar. There you go. GRF when they go up, could you RF off both hands and do both legs at the same time if you wanted, but I was having you bring up a NIBIN and then the other leg GRF both to lengthen.

And there you go. That's good. Feels okay. It feels good. Good. Okay, great. So this time Chris Young I to have you do one leg extended and the other leg extended. The reason I'm having to do at this 0.1 leg and the other is to respect the AC slight asymmetry that goes on in the body. I want you to feel what happens. The difference between, go ahead with your beginning set up of the tibial plateau a little more forward.

There you go. And then do one leg and then join with the other leg coming up and let them come down or let both legs come up at the same time. Okay. So it's definitely harder when you knew how to use the GRF with your hands and create traction to make your body really long. It facilitates being able to live. Yeah. Okay. So right now let's do this again.

Tibial plateau on the right leg forward one leg GRF with the hands again for the second leg. GRF with the hands again to Laith and all the way up through and top of your head. Yes. Wrong. You are long. Yeah. Now, just for fun. Let's go back and do this the other way with no GRF, no lengthening, but bilaterally at the same time. Both legs, right? [inaudible] [inaudible] so this short, much, the second version too, feels longer on my back. I mean, I feel actually, I'm aware of the back side of my body as a support.

Let me give you one more cue for that. That's great. Thank you. So again, tibial plateau, GRF, Dubai, you are pushing the hands away. If you pull the hands towards you, you make yourself short and compressed. You push the hands into the mat and away linkedin somebody. But it also tolls the core so that the core is helping you lift the legs against the pull of gravity. Okay, so go ahead the legs. Think of the link going out the front of your body and the back of your body to come up. There you go.

It's easy here too. Great. Yeah, the angle is much less sharp. Is it too flat? No, that was good. That's very hard to do. It is easy there. Okay, good. Great. Great. Okay, thank you. You.

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3 people like this.
Thank you, Judith. I see a noticeable difference. Can't wait to try your GRF concept with my clients tomorrow.
2 people like this.
Thank you. I appreciate very much this kind of tutorial
Very interesting. Actually I am interested in Alexander Technique. Does Aston Kinetics have similarity with AT?
Thank you!! I saw the difference !!
incredible GRF
Jamie H
An informative video that is precise and short.
I loved this demonstration. I'm so new to PA, that I'm not sure what the acronym GRF stands for, so I can't wait to go to the terminology page and read more about GRF! I'm sure it's about everything I just viewed!! Thank you for this great video.
2 people like this.
Ground force reaction

1 person likes this.
Mercedes Garcia Valino Romero, thank you for the GRF definition! Much appreciated.
1 person likes this.
Superb. This is what length feels like.
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