Tutorial #2909

Know Your Placement

50 min - Tutorial


If you are a dancer looking to improve your turnout for your ballet work, then this tutorial by Kara Wily is perfect for you. She shows how you can stay grounded in your pelvis while stretching so that you can be more effective and efficient in your body. This will help you to be in better positions that you can recreate when you dance.
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Mat

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Jan 15, 2017
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Hi, I'm Cara Wiley and this is Chris Stanley. And we are going to do the first of, uh, a few workouts pertaining to turn out and getting a stronger, more solid turnout for your ballet work. Um, so today we're gonna just start with a few basics. Um, this is kind of always my impression of how I should warm up my body a little bit when I'm, uh, getting ready for class. So I'm going to have Chris come to sit down and actually you'll go ahead and face the camera even we, we don't even have to officially start in [inaudible] land. So just with, um, the legs crossed, I want you to keep your sit bones firmly planted down and you're just going to round your spine down and just hang out. Good.

So in this way, kind of already starting to wake up the spine, wake up the hips, the legs are actually in a turned out, um, position that you are using those external rotators in this position. And then kind of what I'll start to talk about o as well. And, and what I started figuring out for myself was to establish that really grounding of the pelvis. So being able to stand on my feet, man. Also knowing where the bottom of my pelvis was and then being able to build my spine up from there. So we'll go ahead and just roll up. And I'm just gonna point out for a moment where Chris, his legs are, cause you kind of had actually one foot in front of the other good. Just cause it will change. It changes the way the stretches. Okay.

So if your feet were in that kind of fashion and not truly cross, just whatever fashion and they were in, just do the opposite and change sides, right? So you kind of just giving equal stretch to both hips. So once again we'll just drop the chin and round down. Good. And another thing in these positions like relax, like talk to your feet, tell your feet to drop into the floor, talk to your knees, tell your knees to drop into the floor, tell your thighs to relax, tell your hips to drop.

And then if you needed, and this is where kind of applaud these perspective, comes into it a little bit. If you needed to draw your stomach in and up a little bit in order to feel those sit bones really firmly down. And I'm going to come over here and right. Talk to Chris a little bit too, right? So that he truly, truly does feel yes. Like wait a, that's different, right Chris? Good.

So that's going to be the difference of you actually standing on your feet versus being in some position in front or behind your stance. Good. So good. So he corrected that. Now he really does feel where his pelvis is connected. Now can those thighs, those feet, those knees, those ankles all drop, even shoulders, neck, everything and just rolling up. Good. And so then what my goal is is to continue to over cross the legs until the knees sit one on top of the other. So let's, yeah, just jump ahead.

Good. And similarly, you going to keep the pelvis grounded good and he's got this ability but still trying to let those thighs relax. You got it. And rounding down. Good. So once again, when you're getting to class early and kind of wanting to warm up like this was some of the first stretches I would or, or, or, or these stretches that I would make sure that I had time to do for myself, just to kind of make myself aware of my placement when I started class. Good. Everything looks good. Good. And then maybe as just a goal to be able to get these thighs to really, yeah, just sort of lack right over one and another and you can feel how that, it just stimulates that those, those rotating muscles to have to do some more and then be aware, like relax, really try to let your weight drop into the ground.

Don't fight things too much if you have to fight back or if it feels like too much stretch in one place. Use your abdomen to kind of keep your yourself secure and safe. Like you don't also want to overdo it. It's not to hurt yourself, it's to make you improve. Good. Let's roll up and just change sides. Good. So this again can be a progression. You know from the simple CROs to more and more and more crossed until your knee on top of knee. Once again.

Good. And you can kind of, yeah, just be aware of what are your ankles doing, what are your knees doing? What are your thighs doing? Yeah. Is your back torked in any direction or are you really rounded down through both sides of the spine evenly, you know, is one shoulder coming more than the other? Like just again, just to try to make the experience that the right and the left sides of your body are having as similar as possible. Good. Good, Chris. And then let's just roll. Good.

Let's go ahead and open the legs out into a big old straddle shape. Good. Good. One thing that I think my, uh, modern dance training gave me, um, a really good feeling for was how much this is like standing when we're turned out in ballet. So even in these positions, if you can let your, um, shoulders actually go ahead and, uh, come back a little bit more, Chris. Right? So that becomes really what it would be like to be standing on your spine. And then you can see Chris has a really actually very nice turnout. Go ahead.

Roll in for me for a moment. Yeah. So sometimes this is actually what, um, the position is when you come in, especially if you're as open as he is, your knee and feet might be pointing up to the sky and that's totally, totally, um, fine. But the way that Chris can rotate his thighs back, that's, that will help to, uh, increase the turnout and get you stronger, to be able to stand up like that as well. So once again, Chris, with that, let's just round the spine forward first. Good. And that's it. And you can just go into the stretch. Good.

And as you hang out here, good. Chris has very good understanding of what his c curve is. So he's using it, he's drawing his stomach muscles in. He's got a nice even curve. There's not one part of his spine that's curving up more than the other. It's pretty uniform. Um, so that is, that is a nice way to be curving forward. If you were to be taking this stretch some time in um, a studio and you had a mirror available to you, you could kind of check yourself.

If there were one spot that were more flat than the other, you could kind of try to just round into that spot and make the, the seeker of more uniform through the body. And then let's go ahead and just round that shape back up. Good. And then try to take a nice flat back shape as well. So sometimes some people good are better at one kind of stretch than the other. Some of you might be the kind that can just lay your bellies out flat on the ground.

I'm good if you are one of those types of bodies, just you still make sure that you're working to try to right. Keep the, the sit bones that pelvis stabilized into the floor and you're still trying to rotate the thighs and knees back and you'll feel it then it's not, you won't be just giving in and you'll still be right. Asking those tips to do a little bit of work to stabilize you. Yes. Good. Let's take this flat back position and let's just now walk your body over to the right side. Good. And we're going to place one hand, that's it on each side. Bravo.

And then you're going to try to reach, I think of about the middle of my chest trying to reach right out, down towards my kneecap as this hip still sits into the floor and sometimes that's, that's the real catch, right? Good, good. And then just as best as possible as that hip still stays seated down, attempting to truly turn that chest right into the middle of the kneecap. Good, good. Making sure. Good. He's doing a good job.

I will continue to kind of suggest it for you guys at home, but he's doing a good job of keeping his thighs rotated out. Good. Chris, go ahead and walk through the center. Let's go to the other side. Good. So already from, you know, from the way you warm yourself up for class, you're asking that your body be aware of how you are stretching. That was one thing that I think I finally realized, like if I can stretch in a position, I can work in a position, but if I can't even stretch into a position, how am I ever going to work into that position? So that's where I realized like, oh naturally, just by stretching in really good positions of my body, I'm going to be able to create those shapes when I'm dancing good on this side, I'm going to correct Chris to try to drop that hip down a little bit more. Good. And there's always one side, you know?

Good. Good, good. Right? So you'll be aware and we'll kind of take care too as we work to make sure that that right foot right leg is, is keeping it's energy as well as the left side does. Good, sir. Let's come back into the middle. Good. And then if you could for a moment just keeping that turnout, go ahead and length and out, kind of reestablish your nice long flat back.

Good. And what I'm gonna ask you to do is maintain your flat back, Chris, and use your stomach. And just for a moment in that nice long flat back, could you just stretch your arms out to the side and keep the shape good. And then feel the hips press into the ground. Good. Feel the legs, press down Nice. And just raise your trunk up into a flat shape on top. Great. And then just take a moment. Let's let the arms rest. Let's bring the legs together and just give them a shaky. She could, she could, she could, she could. She could shake as she can. Shake. Good.

Good. One more little series of stretches. We're just going to go back out into the straddle once more. Good, good. So now, once more, just rounding the spine. I think it's also good when you're trying to warm your body for class to kind of, um, alternate between like round, back, flat spine shapes. Um, not one shape is good for us. Both shapes are necessary and as you guys know, you know, sometimes, um, we do, you know, uh, turnout to work in a split.

Sometimes we try to stay very, you know, academic in our, our stretching. So both, both shapes are good for the body. And then from here, Chris, what I want you to do is go ahead and bend the knees and flex the feet. Good. And then you're going to stretch your heels away and reach into a point and repeat Ben. And he's in flex. Good. And reach out and into a point. Good.

And once again, as you continue this, you feel both legs doing the same amount of stretching, same amount of lengthening. Good for Chris. I feel like his right leg can open up a little bit more than his left. So kind of keeping the right leg sort of where it is, but maybe asking that left thigh to be able to open up and kind of e quate it with the right a little bit more. Good. Now we're going to bend and flex and now we're going to try to rotate the thighs back a little bit more. Good. And this might take a little bit extra c curve of the spine. Good sir.

And then go into the long point and reach. Good. And again, bending and flexing and still really feeling those hips down. And then starting to establish a little bit of length out of the spine. So we're not just sitting in that pelvis, but we've got some, uh, length.

Good last couple of times. Nice. So just kind of waking up your body, getting it ready for just standing up in first position. Last one. Okay. Nice. Good. Let's roll the spine all the way to the tippy top. And once again, let's just bring the legs together and give the legs a little shaky. Shaky shake. Yeah. So it's nice. Yeah. It's like, Ooh. Wow. I feel my legs.

Good. Good, good, good, good, good. I'm good. So let's go ahead and, uh, continue to, um, uh, lay on your back. Good. And I'll have you come down here. That's it. Good. So let's just take a moment now to just stand in parallel. Good, right. Good. And one thing that I frequently have to remind Chris is not to work too hard, so you could just kind of like, yeah, just be a skeleton here. Good.

Let's go ahead and bring the heels together. Good. And really parallel like we're just going to be, yeah, good. And then from just your nice academics, you know, skeleton position just turn out good. And that's really interesting to me because what he indicated to me when he was straddling his legs was that, Gosh Chris, you had, you had like 160 degrees available to you. Right? Like if 180 degrees is a straight line like Chris was, did dog gone close to that? Okay.

But good sitting laying here. So it Kinda, it makes me go, hm. Which one was the real one? Like which will the real Chris still stand up, please stand up. Okay, so once again, let's come back into parallel. Good. And these are kinds of the questions I want you to ask yourself to like, you know, will my real stiff a turnout pop up? Like will I realize what it is? So one's more or less just start to rotate.

Good. Yeah. Good. So this is a little bit more good and it's still coming from his hips. I'm also watching that he's not just rotating from his feet and his ankles. Good. Chris keeping this amount of turnout. What I want you to do is start to develop a one leg.

So just real slow for me. Good. Good. And Chris is doing a very, very nice job. He's keeping this nice. A open thigh. Good. He can raise that leg up super high along his thigh. That's gorgeous. So let's start to lengthen it up in the air. Good. Good. And that's where I'm going to have him pause for a moment.

So bend the knee back into your sort of attitudes sort of position. Good. And I'm just gonna go ahead and ask you to try to maintain yeah, a little bit more of that since we're kind of warming up and getting ready for class and we don't have to be standing yet to do it. We might as well ask ourselves for a little bit extra good. And then lengthen the leg to reach it down. Good. Good. And doing the same thing on the other side. Good. So I think this is a really, I mean, you know, floor bar classes are not so popular, I don't think anymore. Maybe some people have access to them.

But once upon a time we were really encouraged. Pause. Can that file open more? Yeah. Good to find for floor bar, little exercises for herself. And do you use them? They're quite effective. And it was honestly what made me really love pilates when I started it too. Cause I could, I could see what I was doing with my body now to the side, Chris.

Good. The other thing that I like about doing these exercises, you can test your standing side like is my standing side giving in because it sure the heck is going to give in more once you start to actually stand on it. Good. I want you to pause again here. Good. So again, if a 90 degree angle would be, you know, from from completely perpendicular up to his body to completely parallel to the floor right here. Like good. Not that I even have to ask you to do more, but just know what the measurement is. Like that's I would say at least 75 degrees if not more. Right. Good. And then what we walk, uh, tried to work on when we were sitting was just that attempt to actually really, yeah. Like open the thigh and presented good sir. And then let's bring them down together but awful.

And then the other side. Good. So knowing we've got 75 on one side means we hope we get 75 on the other. If we don't, we have to make a decision. Gorgeous Chris. Good, good. So that might be actually a little bit stronger side for you. Yeah. Good, good. So again, good to just kind of like know your placement, know your side. I know that for me, um, I could raise my right leg up behind me all day long.

That was a great, you know, tr, I had great turnout, great extension. My left leg was much, much more capable of, of rotating out. I could get to maybe 80 degrees, you know, rotation, but my right leg was not, my right leg was going to stay in like 70. So again, just knowing, okay, so let's just do that one more time on each side. Just develop, pay up and then develop a side. Good. And this time as he keeps working on is his rotation. Good.

I'm going to ask him to start thinking about this leg too. So just find some link still through this side. Right? Cause the floor is still supporting you so you don't have to. Good. Be Afraid of falling down. But I though Sir and then good. Good. And not letting this hip. Yep.

Come away from the ground so you can stabilize and hold yourself good. And then he's going to work that love leg and turn it out and he's gonna maintain it as it comes to the ground. Beautiful Sir. Good to the side. Good, good. And for a moment, Chris, just to think about like how little work could you actually do and still your body perform other side good. So being effective but being efficient in the body so you're not overworking.

Dance class is hard. You got to get all the way to the big jet tase at the end of class. Good, good. So let's go ahead and lay on the left side. You'll be facing the camera and you guys at home are gonna just turn and lay on one side and we're just gonna do kind of traditional um, sidekick series from, uh, our Palladio's mat work. Good. You're going to take the peat forward on an angle. Good.

So you making this nice sub two Sangal with the uh, body. And you know what Chris, I'm going to have you come forward a little bit more for me. Good. Good. Cause he's long. So he needs, he needs a little bit more of an angle. Good. And we're going to start by reaching that right leg in line with the hip. Good. And we're going to go back to that turnout.

So we learned for you that like 75 degrees was available. So if you'll just show the people at home again and everyone at home can try to just turn parallel once again. Right? So this is kind of like zero. And then when you really rotate from the thigh, good. That's where you're getting your 75 degrees. Good. If he could turn completely up to the side, that would be a complete 90 degrees.

Good. So he's going to begin by reaching the leg front and back. Good. And you see he's got a little pulse and good, good, but right. But he's not going to give up that turnout because that's what we're talking about working on today. Good, Chris. Good.

And he's still starting to incorporate all his PyLadies ideas of his strong use of his stomach in and up and hold the leg back. Good. I'm just going to pick on Chris for a moment. So he's going to keep his turnout. He's going to draw his ribcage in a little bit and he's going to think of lengthening out through the top of his head. Good. And even though this hip is going to stay on top of his other hip, he's, that's it turned out and reaching long. So it's almost like a little back attitude. You're already working into that.

Good. The back of that hip, right? Good sir. Let's do three more, a little bit bigger now. Retreat back back. Keeping the turnout in the front of the body retreat. Last one. Let's hold the leg in the front and stay good. Can you still length in your back tall. Right. So this is almost like develop a for your ballet work and you're going to keep the turnout and then keeping it.

The leg is going to reach behind you. And this is like a long, low attitude. You the turnout. Good. Can I see that chest lift a little bit? Yeah. Strong in your center. Turning out the thigh and let's bring the legs together. Good. Now we'll take the leg to the side. So we're going to once again find that 75 degree rotation and we're going to raise the leg up and up higher and resists down and again, up and up higher and resists down. Good.

And he's gonna continue thinking about his turnout as he lengthens his body. Good. And up and up and down. Good. Last to give me a real kick, kick, kick, resist and kick. Kick and pause. All right, good. Uh, I'm going to have Chris do it again. So once more turned parallel for me. Good. So what I feel like was happening just now was Chris was using his back.

Okay. So in order to get him out of his back, I'm gonna ask him to imagine like standing on the floor. Like we're in class. So push into my hand, standing into the floor goods. You guys at home are doing that. You're going to rotate out that top leg and he's still standing on the floor. Good. Good. Now start to Tom.

Do the leg sue. Wait a minute. Good. So you're, you're gonna brush the floor with your foot, right in Tondo. That's the way. And You keep that length. Good. And then lengthen. Lengthen, lengthen. Find it down. Good. So like when we do a ton do into is like a small ship, Tay. You've got to brush the floor and then you've got to keep the length of the leg.

So again, two more times. Find that length, Chris. Good and resist. That's a different exercise. Good. Keeping your length. One more. Find the length and find the resistance. Good. So it all starts right here. You can start to work all that ideas here.

Let's on develop it and develop a so good. Ah, yeah. Good. And then good. So he's finding that line of the leg that he started lifting up. He's bending Anthony, opening the thigh for me. Come in here. Let's go ahead and place the foot completely down on the floor. That's the way. And then let's go ahead and just slide along the floor using that good little toe. Using that turnout. Last two times the leg rises up, open the thigh, find the little toe heath, the back lifted and resist and better. One more.

Good, Chris. Good. So once again, always keeping in your mind's eye that 75 degree angle, you know, if crank it more. So do one more for me, Chris. And he's going to open, hold a second. So if your thighs up at 90 degrees, what are you probably doing? Ah, robbing Peter to pay Paul. Okay, so keep the back long. Lift up in the stomach, right? Keep all that fun. Yeah, find the true 75 degrees and work that baby the reverse.

So find it and then extended and laying finet and think of that. It should take again. Good. And again. Nice. Good. There's different quality coming to the leg as well. Good five times. [inaudible] yeah. Should hopefully feel a little bit more like it would in standing.

The more that we can work the same here on the ground that we do when we stand and standing isn't so awful either. Yeah. Brilliant sir. Nice. Good, good. For a final stretch, Chris, I want you to swing this leg forward and go all the way into a nice big, good, good. So again, this is another way of, again, thinking about sort of these two stretches for our body so we can rotate this leg out behind us. And that's a very pertinent stretch, right? We're gonna use that in our big [inaudible] good. And then we can also attempt to really go academic and turn that hip to the floor and turn the kneecap to the floor. So can you kind of, um, talk your left leg? That's it. More in parallel. Good.

So again, both very, very valid stretches, right? Yeah. And sometimes I just say, you know what, just be academic and take yep. Some of the stretch that, you know, we um, we can find in the body the body can do, but like, yeah, maybe it's like it's not as pretty, you know, it's not as satisfying as sometimes we want it to be, but it's actually really good, effective stretching. Good carefully. Chris, I want you to fold your right knee and your left leg and you're going to kind of make a star shape. So fold your right leg towards me. That's it. Carefully placing the hip. Good. The left knee can go parallel. That's the way. All right, good. So actually this back thigh, I'm going to go ahead and have it come. That's it.

Sort of parallel to the front thigh. Okay, good. So it's not so extreme. Yeah. So once again, he's attempting to find some weight on both of his hips. Good. Chris, I'm going to have you go ahead and just stretch your arms just straight out to the sides of the room. Good, nice, strong back and everything. Good sir. And I'm going to have you begin by lurching your trunk forward. You're going to be kind of balancing on that right leg and you're going to attempt good to keep your back strong and straight and long.

Just lift the back leg like you're doing a little attitude and place it down. You're going to now lean the body slightly backwards. You're going to try to keep the back tall, the chest high and reach the right leg and a tiny little attitude front and place it down. Let's do three on each side. Again, keeping the back tall, gorgeous, using your stomach to help you lift your front attitude. One more on each side. This time when you lean back in, the right leg comes forward or comes up candidate.

Extend up towards your nose and bend again and place it and again raise the leg behind you and try to extend it straight back and bend again. And one more time each way. Good. And using your center, where's your stomach? Can it help you? It sure can help you. Re lower the leg and then using your center and reaching this time leg from this straight leg. Let's keep it straight. Can it rotate in second? All the way to the side of the body. Keep it off the floor, rotated in front of you. Can you rise upon both knees and go into the split on the opposite leg and slide forward and stretch. Good. Good, good, good, good. Nice Chris.

Good. This time I'm going to have you swing your legs together. A good just yeah, let your left hip rest for a moment and just swing your legs forward. Good. Nice. I'll have you lay on your left side. Your back will be to the camera. Now we're going to do the whole side kick series on your right leg. Good, good. So we'll run through the whole thing on the opposite side now. Good.

So here now you can see his nice long back, his legs in the Arab to Sangal. Let's just again go into parallel firmo and Chris and just see what this right leg is giving us. Let's turn out and turn in parallel. Good. And Chris is doing a good job. He's really working from his hip, giving me the turnout. It's not just from the knee and the ankle and parallel. And last one. Chris will keep it good and you're not going to, again show up in your back and your hip and you're going to swing the right leg front, front, back, back. Good. This is good, Chris.

Good. We'll do 10 kicks to the front to the back. He's gonna be mindful of that rotation when the leg goes forward because that's the tricky place. Good. And again, you can kind of play a little tricks on your mind in your body if you really think of standing into this bottom foot good. And then really doing that Nice Jay pop mall or however you want to think of it with your top leg. I think we got two more to go. And then we're going to stop in the front for a moment and just kind of test ourselves. Can we keep the rotation? Can we keep the tall back?

Can we stand firmly on our standing leg and take it to a low attitude behind good, sir. And maintain the length, right? So my neck doesn't have to work too much. My back, it's my stomach, it's my hips, it's my legs and legs together. Nicely done. Good. Let's keeping the turnout good. We're gonna raise the leg up, up and resist down. Good. So we learned from the first side that he can sort of think about that. Do Digit Tay long and use that down. Good.

And use the length and use it down. And let's go up, up. Ben. Resist. Stand up up. Ben. Resist keeping the link on villa pay. So they go, go up, it'll bend in and it'll slide using the little toe, using the turnout. Good.

Maybe at home you have one leg that's harder to keep the turnout. So you use that pressure, right to keep finding that 75 degrees. You don't give up on it. You don't give up on it. You don't give up on it last too good. Keeping the back tall, keeping hip on top of hip. Finding space for the body to find its work. Last one. Good, sir.

Much better. Develop. Pay. Same idea though. Legal slider and [inaudible] and good. Good, good. Again, good. This also happens frequently and working these developers to the sides. We want to kind of lift our hip to help us, but we want to, yeah, it, it's better to work with the hip long and down and like you're almost still standing on it even though it's floating in the air or you use it like you're standing on it so it gives your back support. Good, sir.

For a final stretch, let's swing the leg forward and roll into a split. Good. Okay. So again, that's it. Taking a little taste of each kind of stretch, keeping that back leg rotated out for a moment. Awesome. Right? Okay. And then good.

Trying to find the nice academic stretch. Less glorious but yummy nonetheless. Good carefully. Let's begin to fold that right knee and the left leg. Good. And again, you'll kind of find good these parallel lines. Good sir. Arms all open up. We'll find some weight in both hips.

Good, good. And let's pitch the trunk forward and lift the back leg and place it and pitch the body back and lift the front leg and place it. Good. Always aware of stomach muscles always in and up. This is where you know we start and you don't necessarily have to curve, you can keep your back up. Right, right. Like kind of very balletic still all the same. Good. But just a moment. Hold on. This be in the center for a sec. Good.

So you can feel how this is almost like fourth position a little bit. Right? Good. So that's it. We want to be somewhere in the middle first. So kind of get your body between the two legs for a moment and the hips are down. Okay, good. And then let's lean back and use your stomach. Yeah.

And then good. Adding the stretch of the leg so your stomach is going to help keep the back tall. The leg attempts to go behind the body and bend in. Place it good. And then keeping the lift. Nice. Right up to your nose. Good. Gimme it for a second. Good.

Yeah, he could get there. He could get there. Keep that seated. Nice and lift to place it good and to the back. Good. Good. And you can work this side of your back against it to try to get the leg behind doing the body. Yeah. And open at. Nice to place it. Good sir.

And I think we skip the transition right? But you can do it. That's the stretch. Nicely done Chris. Good. Last one for the transition. Let's extend the leg behind you. Good. Try to keep you back up. Don't lose it. And then you'll rotate. Good. Lifting the leg higher or nice to the front even higher. Look at that.

And then rise up on both knees. You'll rise up. Good. And finish with a split. Nice. Good, good, good. So sometimes we would mix it up a little bit in our math classes, but for certain sometimes it's good to, you know, it's good to feel that difference between the sitting in your, for your attitude positions and get all that awareness in your body. Nice Chris. Good, good. Let's have a seat and just bring the legs forward for a moment. Good. And just for a last final stretch, we'll just walk down towards the legs. Good.

Give her legs a little shaky. Shaky Shaker chicken. And let's round the spine up. Good. Good. Okay. And we'll finish up with a little work on the Cadillac. Alright, so we are on the Cadillac using now an arm spring with um, typically what is it? Foot strap. We are going to wrap it around Chris's ankle. I just want to also bring your attention to the fact again, some of the differences with the equipment manufacturers. Sometimes you won't have these options in the middle.

There'll be a hook on the side, which is fine. Um, we are going to start with your left foot. So, um, the spring is coming from the opposite side. Good. So we're basically going to do Tom do front side, back side, like ballet class. Yeah. But now what you have is a spring around your ankle to kind of bring a bit more awareness. So, um, if you will for me, Chris, just for a moment, go in just parallel first position and then from that parallel first he's got still this strapper on one ankle. Good. He's going to turn out, he's going to find that real s, you know, 75 degree amount of turnout that his hips really have that we discovered. And then he's just going to go ahead and kind of like slide into a third position.

Okay. And then slide deeper. If he wants into fifth position. Good. And you can stop at third two. That's plenty of work. Good. And then he's just going to begin to go ahead and Tom do that leg good. And then bring it back in. Good.

And without me saying it, Chris is already using his foot. So very [inaudible] instructive to the body to feel the toes, reach out, feel the length of the leg, and then really, really feel how your thigh is. What draws the leg back to you? Beginning once again. Good to find that connection from foot to thigh by two foot and even beyond.

Good. Let's do one more good. And then we're carefully just gonna rotate into second position goods whose hands are coming with him. Good. And I have not yet corrected how he's standing. He's doing a pretty good job and bring it back. Good. And then the leg goes out to the side here.

I'm just going to ask him to pause for a moment. Good. So once again, think about when you were laying on the ground and you had both hips and we were talking about not letting one hip roll away from the floor. Good. And then right when we laid on the side, we were making sure right that that rotation really came from the thigh. Good. Now there's all this kind of like his words that is kill the communications that are happening in here. So we gotta kind of length in the area out, make some space for all this communication to happen and reach. Good, good, good.

And what's particularly tough about working in the spring this way too is just keeping that knee really solid straight. So it may loosen a little bit, but you're, you're attempting, you're attempting, you're attempting to keep it strong. Bravo. Let's turn to the back. Good. Good. And did another idea you will feel as you work with the spring is just the fact, right? That, not only do you have to make space, particularly just for the hip. Good. Yes. If you're losing tension you can come forward a bit. Um, but then creating space for the spine as well so you're not closing up tight in the back of the body. Chris looks good. Good.

Four times and then we'll turn to the side one more time. Good. And it's nice. And then rotating. Good. One more time to the side. Good. Letting the ribs relax. Uh Huh. And then let's preach. Good.

Thank you. Should have closed front first, but that's okay. Uh, now pause moment Chris. So I'm thinking I can get one more nice thing out of his body. And that is that this standing side also has to be creating its own length and strength. So as you begin, there you go, right, right. Cause otherwise there, this thigh was not doing its job and the rotation. Good. So there's a tripod of the foot, the big toe, little toe heel. Good. What have we got?

One more in each way. Good of the standing leg. And then as that foot is dragging in, good, you find big toe, little toe, and then finally right until that heel connects down. Good. And then, okay, super good. We'll turn to face the spring once more and we'll take your foot out of the strap and we will do the other side. Good. Good. Yeah. Let me Hook it first and then your foot can go in. Good, good.

Starting to the front. Good. So when we were laying on the floor, we were concerned with what the alignment felt like in our trunk. Now we're doing this exercise, taking it to standing. One of the important things. Good. Chris, if you'll just kind of hang out here.

We talked about when we were first stretching was really establishing that feeling of connecting into those sit bones. Right. Good. So if you will crest just in this position, feel that big toe, little toe heel of each foot. Right? Because this is frequently too what happens, right? Like we'll roll into the instep of the foot. We'll kind of forget about good standing on the outside of the foot as much.

Yeah. And some good. That helps us feel how to connect into the back of the leg as well. All right, good. Let's continue. We'll do three more. Yes. Good. So now, right, I'm getting yes, more of that strength. Good. Right. So that's why I like to warm up with that idea. Yes. So that again, my body takes that into then everything like that is the important thing that I stand up on my legs. Good. Let's go to the side. Good.

The movement that my brain always goes to is a seesaw Wa and the fact that like that, that move, I think it's so both dynamic and stable. You have to have, you have to be stable when you're on both feet. You have to be dynamic when you go into the jump. And I think that move alone really illustrates the need to why we really have to like resolve all these ideas for ourselves so that we can quickly be there, be there, be there, be there, you know, or like Aisha pay or anything like that. You know, where it's like dynamic and yet you've gotta be placed good and he's going to continue relaxing. That's the way. Good. Right. And I think yes, that's, that leg is often what helps us know exactly where the pelvis should be.

And then Oh yeah, that stomach good. You can go to the back of it's time. Yes. Um, [inaudible] the standing leg tells us where the placement is and then good. The use of the abdomen dictates how well the working leg right can kind of achieve what it's attempting to do as well. Good. Good, good, good. Last two. Good. Chris, can you grow taller? No. Heise. You sure can.

Good. And finally to the side. Last variation. Good? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Across to the front. Good. Just to be official. Good hate when you can't learn a combination.

Just cause you went to the wrong side. Good. Good. I want, yeah, you'd feel the back of those legs. Ah Huh. Good work. We'll finish to the front. Yeah.

Okay. Standing on the back of those legs. Nicely done. Good. Chris, turn and face front. Carefully. Just take the strap off of the foot and if you would, could you just stand in front of the Cadillac on the floor for me? Good. And just to finish, let's just stand in parallel.

Find your turnout in your first position. Good. And kind of just find those muscles you were standing on. Find those sit bones. Find the big toe, little toe heel. Engage the inner thighs towards one another using the abdominal muscles. Let's just press down into the toes to begin to Relevate up.

And immediately I want you to just talk to those good sit bones, right? And that strong center, brilliant. And keeping the long strong knees to lower down and keep growing and resist and be tall, good or nice. So you're just good. Have a nice, um, uh, possession of that turnout for yourself and nowhere where your placement is. Thank you.

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1 person likes this.
loved this forwarm up and placement for turnout.
Yay, June! Are you a dancer? Look also for the other videos we did the same day, they will get incrementally more difficult.
I work with several dancers and this will be so useful to help them identify where their real turn out is- also the side leg cues - re feeling as if you are standing on the support leg are great. I have done a floor barre class - but your cues are just brilliant- thank you!!! ( and well done Chris- Kara made you give 100%)
I love Chris Stanley :)
Valeria E
Wonderful experience on connecting with turn out.
Valeria , nice.  I only ever used it as a modern dancer, but I gotta say sitting on the floor for Graham exercises taught me a lot about standing on my legs for ballet and every other day of my life.
Connie H The morning that I woke up and read this, you just made my day.  So sorry for not responding sooner.  I hope you are persevering through this tough time and thanks so much for pausing to send this kind message to me.  Thank you and I am glad to know you enjoyed.

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