Tutorial #3094

Chest Lift Modifications

2 min - Tutorial


If you have difficulty lifting your head in Chest Lift, there are a few props you can add to help. In this tutorial, Amy Havens shares a few modifications you can use that will help you gain ease in your neck while you are building strength in your abdominals.
What You'll Need: Mat, Towel, Magic Circle

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Jul 30, 2017
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As a beginner in your mat practice as you're building strength in your abdominals and also in your head and your neck. You'll be lifting your head and your chest upright in several exercises. So if you're having challenge in getting your head up off of the mat and want to show a couple of modifications and how you can gain more ease as you're building strength in your abs. One way is with the hand towel. So I just want you to unroll your hand towel lie down on your back and you'll want to make sure that you can grab a hold lightly in the top corners of the towel. So you'd be getting ready for your, let's say a chest lift or lifting your head in your chest, grabbing the corners of the towel, lift your elbows slightly up off of the floor and as you engage your abdominals, use the towel. Let your head be supported back in that, how will, I'm using my arms a little bit to help me, but mostly allowing me to focus on my abdominal muscles, contracting to help me perform the forward flection or the sit up the head is being supported almost like a a hammock or a trampoline in a way with the towel, so it's allowing me to focus. I'll do a couple for you to see on the contraction of the abdominals, letting your head stay relaxed back on the towel, allowing you to gain proper head and neck positioning, and as you get stronger and stronger and stronger, you can start to loosen your, your hand, hold with the towel and perhaps maybe even release the towel and you'll be in a very good position for your abdominal work. All right?

Another option might be to use a magic circle much the same way as you want to put one of the padded parts. Of course, right behind your skull. There's a nice bumpy ridge at the back of your skull that you'll put your head on, hands on the inside, and virtually the same support system here, not leading with the head or the chin, but contract any abdominals. It's almost like you have to wait and let your head stay weighted back on the prop and use that prop for a little guidance to bring your head and your chest up off of the mat. So if you're struggling at home or in classes with bringing your head and chest up, feel free to use one of these modifications. The towel or the magic circle.

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Susan B
1 person likes this.
Excellent. Thanks Amy !!
Sure thing Susan B
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great tips
2 people like this.
These are so simple but so useful! As I age and my customer base ages, this will help us with neck issues we have been having. Loved it. Thank you Amy
Thank you Sandra !
Thanks Amy this is really helpful. I haven't been teaching long myself but have a beginner client who finds that any chest lift in the class triggers an almost immediate headache. I suspect that it's because her abdominals are not strong at all, and she is creating a lot of tension in the neck. Any thoughts? Much appreciated Sarah, UK
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Thanks again for another great quick tutorial. I have used the towel for years on my clients, it works so great. Again surprised the teachers don't mention it. This way if they need a modification, they can come to the tutorials.
1 person likes this.
Thanks again for another great quick tutorial. I have used the towel for years on my clients, it works so great. Again surprised the teachers don't mention it. This way if they need a modification, they can come to the tutorials.
1 person likes this.
Thanks again for another great quick tutorial. I have used the towel for years on my clients, it works so great. Again surprised the teachers don't mention it. This way if they need a modification, they can come to the tutorials.
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Sarah Edwards at Positive Pilates Solihull --- yes, she may need to take her time when being asked to lift her head off the mat. Build her to this, most likely it's alignment and tension that are against her here, good thinking. Some people are living with neural tension as well -- look into that. I used to get headaches when flexing my spine..... it's taken me a long time to move with correct placement and activation. It's worth the wait; tell her there is NO rush!! ;) .
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