Tutorial #3105

Hanging Around

45 min - Tutorial


Learn to let go with this Hanging Series on the Cadillac by Sarah Bertucelli. She invites you to explore how this release feels to your body so you can create more space and awareness throughout. By being curious and letting go, you will find something new in your body.
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Moon Box

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Aug 20, 2017
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Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Sarah Berta Jelly. I've been doing a lot of hanging around in the studio. Hanging around for me means that I've been using the fuzzies in the Cadillac with the Cadillac to uh, really learned to let go in certain areas. It really started with shoulders. But as, as the result of the exploration, it's turned into a lot of different pieces. It's really been been quite useful and quite exciting for me.

I feel compelled to share this with you because I've shared this with some of my clients and colleagues and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I think the most important thing here is that you listened to your body and you really make this an opportunity to let go and to be curious about how hanging and how releasing, um, feels for you and, and how your body responds to this. The, the one place where I caution you is to make sure that when you begin any of these segments that you begin with enough time to uh, really let go and relax and to not look at where you're going, but to really focus on, on where you are in, in that first moment and make sure that your body feels fantastic before you choose to move to the more impressive or bigger or dynamic picture. Having said that, um, I have enjoyed playing with these various different pieces and I broke them up in segments so that you could commit to say the first one and you can enjoy that first one and see if it works for you. So when you feel you're ready to move on to hanging with the fuzzies, you want to make sure you pay attention to what, what you're, the length of your fuzzies on your Cadillac. And here we've got these longer, this longer version, which I feel works really well for this whole series that I'm offering. However, if you happen to have the shorter ones, you can certainly try, um, different body types. We'll need different spacing. And so if you're a taller person or a smaller person, you also may need to adjust the length of your strap or possibly bring the table up.

You could do that by using boxes or mats or cushions or pillows or whatever you may need. So the most important here piece here for me is that you are um, creative and explore and curious. There's a lot of important pieces aren't there, um, but that you let go and that you, you enjoy, um, where, where the ride takes you essentially.

Chapter 2

So let's get started and make sure you're comfortable hanging around. I'm using my Cadillac here for this one, but if you don't happen to have a Cadillac, you could use a monkey bar or a play play yard, something, some sort of poll or a door jam.

I'm going to face the other way for the camera angle for this first piece and Hook my hand around the, the pole here about shoulder height. What I'm looking for is that my arms are inside the box of my flexibility, which for me means I'm not behind myself, I'm not behind me here. My arms are just a little bit in front of me and then I'm, I'm hooking my fingers here and just kind of leaning out from my shoulders to release. The trick with this piece here is you have to be willing to sit with this for a little while longer than you think because the stretch will show up as you learn to let go. Here I'm holding with my fingers, I'm not pulling, I'm letting the weight of my body lean on the diagonal out toward my other arm and then I want to think about letting my scapula spread. I find that many people have their scapula kind of squished together and will hold on here. Perhaps you can see that.

And here I want to let my scapula spread open and feel this idea of release. I also want to explore a little bit how my arm feels, meaning sometimes I'll turn my arm in a little bit and I'll turn my arm out a little bit. I happen to feel a lot more sensation with my arm turned in a little bit. So what that means is my bicep is facing forward. You'll see a better angle of that on the other side. But on the back, my elbow, my elbow joint is facing straight back.

So here if I allow my head to move a little bit, I feel even more sensation. And if I allow my body to sway a little bit as if I'm a trees swaying in the wind, uh, I'll also feel some more sensation. Now I'm just going to change my grip because this also provokes a different feeling for me when I turn my hand to an internally rotated position. It's not really internal, but I just turned my hand around. But I want to keep my arm from rolling all the way in.

I'm going to keep that same relationship that I had where my bicep is forward and my elbow is back and again just find the release. So I feel a nice stretch showing up through my bicep and through my peck. And as I moved my head around, I feel a nice stretch through my neck muscles in my shoulder and at least a minute or two to explore before you switch sides. So once again, I'm going to take that first grip and just lean and I'm not pulling on the Cadillac. Some people tried to pull to get the stretch. Instead, I'm just letting my hands be here and just releasing, leaning. The stretch begins to show up as I allow my scapula to spread.

Taking the other arm out to the side adds just the, the continuation of the line of energy here, playing a little bit with your arm position for me, my elbow, my elbow turns down, my bicep turns up and I lose some of the stretch. So when I saw often my elbow a little bit and turn my bicep to face forward or my bend the elbow joint to face back, I get it. More sensation. So then here, explore where your head can go and be curious about what you feel and enjoy that sensation and you can change your grip, which is going to change it a little bit for most people, whichever makes the most sense in your body, wherever you feel more sensation is where you should linger for a little longer. And then the other piece here is to try maybe waving in the wind a little bit, just relaxing. The reason I cue it in the way where I say like waving in the wind or just relaxing is a lot of times people start to really move here, which is okay, but I feel a lot more nuances, sensation when I keep this soft and smaller and, and just allow myself to enjoy the sensation and be kind of curious about that.

So that's the first piece. The second piece on those of you that are a little smaller, you might need a box to stand on so that you can reach up and hang from here. And those of us that are, those of you that are taller will have no problem with that. I can reach this just fine. Um, with the box, uh, I can also reach it without the box. So just depending on your height, you could use a taller box or a shorter box just holding with one hand. Or actually let's start with both hands and just feel this idea of releasing and letting go a little bit, allowing your pelvis to uh, explore forward and back.

Now when I hang so that you can see the back of my body, I feel a little bit less sensation just because of the relationship with my body and the pole here. But when I hang this way, I feel a little more sensation. So, so perhaps that's the choice for you. You can decide which way you hang. It doesn't really matter. Um, I don't actually need the box so I'm just going to slip it out of the way and give myself that full release and hang. And then when my hands start to get tired, I'll just slip one arm away and release. Feel that nice side body stretch. So my tip toes are down. I'm not really holding on with my hand, but I'm trusting that my hand has me and then I can switch sides here. Nice little hang here. Feel the whole side body stretch the letting go.

Often times we might start making monkey noises here in the studio. I do feel like anybody can do this because you can manage how much weight you're holding with your hands. Feel free to stay there longer if you like the next piece here just to come to your knees. Now, if you're not comfortable on your knees, then you simply stay on your feet and you just hold the two poles here and it's the same type of thing. But I feel like I can release just a little bit more because I don't have to, uh, trust that I'm holding myself up with my body. So here I'm, I let my head hang forward. I let my shoulders be pulled up and here I allow myself to really almost relax my hands a little bit until I sort of start slipping off and then use my legs to come up. Changing the grip, allowing the shoulders to release that, the head hang forward, explore a little bit side to side.

When your hands start to get tired, use your legs to lift up again. And then if you feel comfortable here, try hanging with just one arm. And I find this one to be so glorious and luxurious. I'm leaning into my side body here. I'm letting my head hang, feeling the stretch, explore where the pelvis is, and feel free to move the pelvis around a little bit. That will in fact change the stretch you feel when your hand starts to get tired. Simply switch sides or get a grip again.

Okay. And then over to the other side, the same feeling. Yeah. Again, letting the head hang, letting the release happen in the side body and exploring just a little bit where your body wants to be, what feels good to you. Remember to listen to your body. That's so is so important. If it doesn't feel good, don't do it. But also, this is really an exercise in letting go. So it's absolutely necessary that she let let things release.

Let your body hang, let it be heavy. And that's when the magic happens, in my opinion. So I find those three pieces to be super useful so that you can continue hanging around. All right, thanks for hanging with me.

Chapter 3

We're now going to explore using the fuzzies to really let go and I don't know, find something new in your body. Uh, so this is how we're going to get started. I would like you to slip your hands, your arms rather inside the the fuzzies so that your elbows are hooked and then find a spot where, where you feel that you can keep a lot of the weight still on your leg. So I've widened my stance with my legs and then I really want you to let you let your head go and let your body go.

I find here that most of my clients are a little anxious to get moving here and truly where the magic happens in my opinion is when you sit here long enough to let go. So I'm going to invite you to do that as well. Here I'm letting the weight of my upper body hang toward the Cadillac. Sometimes my fingers will start to fall asleep a little bit because of the pressure and then I just need to take a little break or a little shift. And the first thing I invite you to do is to explore just a little bit forward and back. So my elbows here are behind me. That's allowing me to open through my front body.

I've closed my eyes so I can really let go while I'm teaching you this, but maybe I'll open them for a little while and notice how, how slow I'm moving. If you happen to be watching this rather than doing it. If you aren't watching this and you are doing it really move very, very soft and very slow and at this moment I'm feeling a lot more sensation in my left side than my right side. So one of the, I found this to be so beneficial I can really get through to an area where I was never able to loosen app. So now that I feel a nice opening through the front of my left body, I'm going to start exploring this idea of opening my collarbones and my shoulder blades and kind of shifting a little bit side to side. So I'm just very lightly moving side to side, try to keep the head hanging.

Sometimes I'll say that because I realized mine was lifting and then now I'm going to start making my movements a little bit bigger. As I shift over to one side, I'm getting a really wonderful stretch on my left side. I'm shifting to the right. It's also given my right arm, a little bit of a break, so the blood's flowing back to my hand. That's nice. And then I'm gonna Shift to the other side. So if you're new to this, I really recommend you sitting in this position for a good period of time before you endeavor to move on. I've been doing this for a while and I'm really quite comfortable with my body and so I like to really play around, but you're welcome to just stay in this position for a handful of times.

Come back to this again and again and, and stay with it if you need to. But if you're happy with this and you feel like moving on, you can try this idea of moving a little bit back in space. So as I moved back in space with my hips, I'm letting my pelvis round a little bit. It does require me to have to bend my knees a fair bit. I will show you an option for those of you who can't bend your knees this far.

Notice my arms have come overhead. My head is still hanging here. It's pulling my arms a little bit and giving me a really beautiful stretch through my side body. Now when I curl my pelvis a little bit underneath me, I also get that really wonderful stretch through my whole back and I'm still curious here. I'm not just holding it, I'm, I'm moving, exploring, and then I'm going to come through again to that starting position. My arms will move because my body is moving and now I feel I have so much more room to hang. My head is heavy. Oh, and don't forget to breathe. It's an important piece. Now here's the part where you'll want to move tentatively. I know that I can go all the way forward, but if I, I would recommend for you to begin with just a little bit forward and then come back to that really safe spot moving back perhaps and moving forward again.

And if you feel utterly comfortable, you can move all the way forward, change your gaze, and feel a really wonderful tug through the front of the body. I've changed my gaze, so I'm looking forward. I do have to use my abs here. If I didn't use my abs, I wouldn't feel comfortable, but I'm still letting my shoulders be heavy. I'm hanging, so I pulled out of that. I'm rounding my low back. I'm going to sit back on my feet for a moment and here I'm just going to hold on to one of my hands with the other and shift side to side. Again for me, this is allowing the blood to flow through my hands again so that I can continue here a little longer. If you need to simply take a rest, feel free to a rest, give your arms a little bit of a break. As I flow from piece to piece, it allows me a little bit more time here and it, it feels really quite wonderful to let go. Hanging around. It's going to be my tagline for awhile.

So here I'm letting the straps hold my arms here and I'm really pulling down through my pelvis. So I get this really wonderful stretch through my peck. The longer I stay here, the more I feel it in my front body as well. It's quite interesting. It's quite fun as well as in my back body and it continues to change. So explore. I'm going to come forward one more time, releasing my hands, allowing my chest again to hang heavy, my head to hang heavy.

Come all the way forward to that really wonderful position where I'm really getting a wonderful opening, stretch through my front body, change the gaze, and then I'm going to travel back through again. This time instead of going down on my feet, I'm going to show you an option that one of my clients who cannot bend her knees came up with. So she's using her upper body to pull the weight out of her legs. She can bend her knees, but she's never been able to sit on her feet and she's been hoping to achieve that with this exercise. She works to bend her knees nice and slow. So that's what I'm showing you here. For me, it's no problem. I can easily just go ahead and sit down on my feet.

But those of you who haven't had a hard time sitting down on your feet, you might use your upper body here to take some of the weight out of your legs and practice bending your knees so that someday you can sit down. Now, because of my size here, in order for me to do that, I'm going to move forward. Don't hesitate to shift forward or back for your size. She is much taller than me. So she, she comes here and she sits on her feet and she's about an inch away from sitting on our heels and it's like magical. It's pretty amazing. And so it looks like that. And then we come out of it. Now, for me, it feels better to actually sit on my feet and allow the stretch to travel through the rest of my body. So that's a different shape. But again, what I'm suggesting here is that you explore that.

You open up your body and your mind to the possibility of hanging around a little bit. All right, let's do some more hanging.

Chapter 4

So this next piece I find feels really great for for me and for most people, I've offered it to you, um, in the first range. Certainly hold back if it doesn't work for you. So we're going to begin kind of in the same way we did in the first piece with the fluffy's here, except a little bit different. Um, so I've, I've taken my arms overhead now and I'm going to hold one of my, one of my arms with the other, and then I want to move my body back so that I don't have a ton of weight on my legs. There is some weight on my legs and I'm allowing the weight of my body to be pulled toward my heels. So you just sort of have to adjust your, your placement depending on your height. If you're taller, you might move back more. If you're smaller, you might have to move back less. So again, I invite you to hang here for a while. In this particular shape.

I don't personally like it with my head forward as much I like because it's bringing me into a more the rassic extension position. I like my head to be a little bit more floating is probably the word I'll use here, but certainly you can explore what feels good to you. So again, what I feel here as I sit here longer, um, is just so much released through my underarms and my side body. So I feel even more in my side body when I explore my pelvis. So I'm talking with my pelvis a little bit and maybe arching my back a little bit and then also perhaps swaying just a little bit side to side. And that's where I've swayed to the left with my body.

And I'm getting a wonderful stretch on my right under arm in, through my lat and my pack. I'm getting it everywhere. So what I've done here is I've taken my face and put it on my arms so I can kind of relax my head there a little. And then I'm going to shift to the other side. And again, I'm, I'm using this, the fluffy or the fuzzy to have my arm brace, my left arm now braced, taking my pelvis and my weight just a little bit over. And then allowing my head to kind of rest on my arm. And then here I'm going to use my legs a little bit to come up out of it for just a moment.

Give my fingers a little wiggle break and also change which arm I'm holding. I'm not sure if it makes a huge difference, but to me it sort of feels as though it does. Now I also invite you to explore the idea of holding in a different place. I find that if I hold my arms a little bit further and like at my elbow that it feels quite different. It's a much deeper stretch there. Or you can simply hold your hands. So really it's up to you explore.

So I've taken a a closer hold here, which gives me a better stretch and I really enjoy that. So from here you can start to bring the stretch into a more severe place where you come forward a little bit. So I'm using my abdominals to support, I'm keeping my gaze kind of forward and I'm getting the most wonderful stretch through my whole front body. And then I'll come out of that. So here I also would recommend, um, the idea of changing which hand you're holding from time to time or each time if you want, it's really up to you because it will feel different depending on how you go about this. So certainly just stay in this more moderate range of motion if that's where you need to be. This feels really nice here, pulling back, but for me, I really enjoy finding the extreme range of motion and I think some of you will as well. So here I'm going to continue forward really supporting with my abs and pull myself into this wonderful kind of upward dog type position or swan dive position.

So I'm letting the strap support my arms there, pulling my shoulders up, supporting my low back with my abs and I'm getting this really wonderful stretch through my whole front body. I'm exploring just a little bit with my pelvis. And then getting out of this, you want to really make sure that you, you use your arms a little to support, use your legs and you use your abs. So I wouldn't recommend staying there for too long the first time. Come back to this shapes which, which hand you're holding and then we'll go forward one more time. Make sure you go through that nice thoracic extension position because even though I like to go to the more extreme position where I'm in full hyper extension, this just feels so wonderful in my shoulders as I bring my pelvis through.

It brings the stretch through my whole front body. And then here let's add on a little toe tuck here and you'll push into those legs and add that extra bit of stretch. And then we press those thighs down. You can keep the toes tucked or not, and pull yourself out of that. Moving back into that flexed position. So I'm gonna bring my knees forward just a little bit so that I can allow my back to round and my head to hang and feel this real easy rounding stretched position to release any compression that may have shown up. But I think honestly, as long as you're aware of your abdominals and you're aware of where your body is, anyone can move into that some range of motion, but just make sure you feel comfortable and safe.

Chapter 5

All right. This next piece I'm super excited about because it's an opportunity to really explore just the difference between the two sides without the other side even getting in the way. I'm having a lot of fun with this. The first shape is going to look like this. The easiest way I find to get in is to put both arms in once again, although I am only going to use one arm, so this is kind of like a mermaid position. So I'll bring my legs around and I'm gonna unhook my front arm and then I'm gonna hang out like this for a moment.

Now if for some reason this doesn't work for you, I I have developed an option for one of my clients who just can't sit in that position. Oops, I moved to this too soon. That's okay. We'll take it back. So, um, and that is to just stand on the side of the Cadillac and hook her one arm in so she can kind of mimic this same type of movement we're going to do from here. So if that's you, I invite you to work with this for the camera angle. We're going to move this out of the way and I'm going to get in with just one arm and returned to right back to where I was. Okay. So I've got this leg about perpendicular or straight out to the side here about 90 degrees at the hip and that's going to give me a nice little hip sensation here and the other leg is just kind of relaxed back there holding onto my wrist. I first want you to just kind of release forward. And again, I like to let my head just sort of rest on my arm here and hang out long enough to see what I feel. So for me, if really ground down through my leg and I'm moving my legs back a little bit because I'm wanting a little more sensation.

If I really ground down weight down through my leg and specifically through my pelvis, I get even more sensation as I reached forward here. So I'm getting this wonderful side body stretch. I'm getting a really wonderful release in my shoulder. I can feel it in so many places. Again, I really invite you to linger here a little longer than you think you should, which is why I'm doing this in real time. Focus on breathing and letting go.

So when you feel compelled to move a little bit, let the movements really be small, be curious about what you're feeling and see if you can move just a little bit to feel a little more. So what I'm doing is rotating around a little bit, looking behind me. Maybe I'll see a dolphin. That'd be fun. And then I'm going to rotate just a little bit, kind of bringing my spine into a little bit of flection and then look forward again. My head is still resting and I'm very heavy here. Relax, letting go. And then again, I'm going to start to make a slightly more extreme movement, slightly bigger range of motion. As I rotate around toward the ocean over here, I'm pressing forward a little bit with my legs and I get this really beautiful stretch across my leg. I used to only feel this in my upper body and my waist, but now I'm really feeling the chain reaction all the way down to my leg. And then I'm going to rotate around here. Just make sure you're hanging on well enough so you don't roll off the Cadillac.

Flex your spine just a little bit. So I'm actually talking my pelvis and now I'm like letting myself lean here and I'm getting a wonderful stretch through my whole back body. Notice I've let my legs react, not holding them to anything really. And then rotating around again, grounding down through the one leg I'm pressing through with my heart tier and enjoying that sensation of almost like a mermaid stretch here. But I really can find so much more because I'm, I'm so relaxed and enjoying sensation.

So here again I'm going to round or flex my spine. That means I'm tucking my pelvis a little bit and I'm rolling over my glute. That feels really nice. It's almost like being on the foam roll. I'm opening my top leg cause that gives me a little bit more room to release back here and I'm letting my back body stretch. That feels really nice. Hmm.

And certainly if your body is a little longer, a little smaller, you might need to adjust accordingly. So for instance, if I lift my body up a little bit and press forward, I'm going to give myself a much more extreme stretch here. My arm is now more behind me and I've chosen to do that because it feels like a great idea today. And then rounding back and through [inaudible] to hear on the opposite. If you are feeling like it's too much sensation, you move your body back a little bit, explore, see what works for you. It's important that you pay attention, your body and how you feel.

And so now it's time to try the second side and Hook your arm gently. And here I'm going to move this fluffy back to the center over here so that I can do my second side. And again, I invite you to start with both arms. And if you need to, as you set yourself up, especially the smaller people, it's a little harder to get your pelvis down, but you also get more pull, more stretch just really depends, requires you to be a little to modify as needed. So let your head rest on your arm. Again, I'm holding my, my elbow bent with my other arm and I'm just letting go. So my feet are grounded, my pelvis is grounded, whatever's down is down, and I use that, um, to allow me to, to reach forward a little more with my body, right? So I'm not moving much. I'm really releasing, letting go and then start to explore just a little bit for, so look a little behind you and then you'll start to look just a little bit in the other direction.

And so we are rotating the spine, but also there is this component of extension inflection here. So as I reach around underneath my underarm and attempt for a little bit more range, I am in extension engaged in the abdominals, but also looking for this feeling of release through the front body, stretching, opening. And then as I come around to the more extreme motion on the back, I let my legs react. So I take my other leg up, right? You can see that happening. I flex my spine a little bit here and let my shoulder relax.

It's spreading through the scapula. Feel this all the way down into my low back. It feels wonderful. And then again coming through and the Q I gave on the first side, which I'll, I'll reiterate here is this idea of really pressing down through your pelvis and your leg to get also that potential hip stretch here. So I'm sort of pressing through my leg to push my body forward a little bit and give myself a little more sensation as I rotate. And then as I come out of it, the same feeling where I'm rolling over onto my pelvis, that keeping my, my bottom like grounded. The top leg lifts up just to give me a little bit of space.

And then there's this real like letting go here. [inaudible] make sure you're breathing. Let's come through one more time. So this time I'm going to Shimmy my body forward a little bit just so that I get a little bit more stretch. And this is the kind of the middle range for me where I've not gone totally into rotation, although I'm still a little rotated.

I just pushed my body forward a little and now I'm getting more sensation across my hip. I bought him hip. Feels really nice and you know, I don't think it's important for you to pay attention so much to, or let me say that differently. I don't think you will necessarily feel the same thing I feel. I think what's important is that you pay attention to what you feel and really just enjoy the sensation and try to find something new, something different, something that feels like a good idea. Letting go, hanging around. Yeah. It feels like I should come around and say hi to you over here. Okay.

Uh, we have to have a little bit of fun with this domain. [inaudible] I think so. So this will be the last time through again, I'm pressing with my feet to get myself a little more sensation. MMM. Feels good. And then as we come out of it, just make sure you give yourself the space you need, whatever it is to get the arm on hooked and let the blood flow. And hopefully you find that to be as lovely as I do cause it feels so fantastic. I feel like my shoulders are lighter and my head is lighter. Thanks for playing.

Chapter 6

Let's continue to hang. I've got this other piece here where, uh, it's, it's working with a side body and imbalances and moves into an of a full body stretch. So I invite you to try whatever works for you. So we're going to start with just the top arm hooked into the, the fuzzy here and use your bottom arm to kind of help you get organized. So here, um, this, this could feel really great and it may not feel great. So what's Nice is you can use your, your arm to support you for as long as you need. And even if you just stayed here and sort of let your head hang, this is much like in the very first segment when I, I had people I'm holding onto the bar and being pulled open here, I'm allowed allowing my scapula to really open straight out from my shoulder, which feels really nice and I can get just a little bit more sensation here.

Now if you're feeling pretty comfortable here, you can take your arm up and you can hold your, your wrist or your forearm or whatever feels good here and allow that stretch to get a little bit bigger because I'm no longer supporting myself with my arm at all. I invite you to explore where your head wants to be. I F I tend to in these positions like to sort of rest my head on one of my arms so that it becomes very much of a at this point a shoulder release rather than it being a neck release. But certainly if that's something that feels good to you, you could, you could explore that as well. Now I'm just swinging a little bit. Swinging is not really the right word, but exploring a little bit side to side. And I'm where I want, I invite you to play a little bit here is this idea of rounding your back a little bit and feeling that that opening here through the shoulder. And then, um, just releasing forward now if this feels like a good idea and you'd like a little more, the next step here would be to work with a straighter leg.

I'm going to recommend putting your hand down and kind of stack your legs and straighten them. So here I've stacked my legs, I'm squeezing my inner thighs a little bit, so I get this really nice side body stretch. And then once again, I'll come up here and hold. So if that feels like a good idea, sit with this for a little bit. And if you're still seeking more, there's more to come. And this feels nice to me to kind of just explore a little bit forward and back. Really letting go. Now I'm d I'm getting a really nice side body opening being in this position, but we can take this into a more extreme position, which I'll take my top leg and bring it down to the floor, bringing myself into both a shoulder stretch, a hip flexor stretch, and a back. Really, it's not a back stretch, it's a front body stretch, but the back is an extension and this feels just delightful. I've been enjoying moving for a, from position to position here.

So here I'll use my abs, push down with my straight leg and pull myself back to this side. Undo it. Head is relaxing. Find the floor with my foot. I've tucked my toe under to push myself into a more extreme stretch. It feels good to me. Oh, delightful. Hip flexor. Stretch.

Push down through the straight leg to unwind. So you know, if this feels great to you, wonderful do it. If it doesn't stay with the the slightly less extreme version. But this feels really like such a wonderful full body opener for me last time around here. Then we'll switch sides. So once again, I want you to make sure that you feel comfortable because the two sites might be a little different. So I'll hook my one arm in, start with my knees bend, and just kind of use my other hand as a kickstand, a little bit waving in the wind. We'll come back to that cue here. I'm trying to let my scapula open so much like when we were using the pole to reach out or to lean out.

You want to feel the scapula widening here and also feel the collarbones opening here. Be Curious about what you feel and explore a little bit. Now if you feel comfortable, you'll bring your arm up. Now once I bring my arm up, I sort of want to use my arm to rest my head. That feels like a better choice for me. And again, I'm just exploring the movement right now.

If you feel quite comfortable here and then want to move on a little bit. We can do just like we did on the first side and that is that we put the hand down, create the kickstand straight in your two legs and feel that nice side body stretch. Then if you're comfortable there you can hold again. This does require a little bit of um, I don't know, getting used to, I find that my, my arm just needs to kind of get used to being here and I'm not really holding with the muscles of my arm too much, really letting my body hang from that fuzzy there. So again, I've explored the range of motion just a little bit and now we can explore a little more. And so here you roll your body forward, lift your top leg up and come around. And this side is so different to me it's just such a neat opportunity in my opinion to feel the difference between the two sides takes a lot longer for me to figure out how to be comfortable here. But I certainly can get comfortable here, has to do with my left hip hit.

Not wanting to go into extension as much, but I really find that I want to linger here a little longer usually. So certainly if that's you you should linger. So press into your straight leg, your back leg and use that to help you lift up. Of course there is some abdominal work here and then around and through. So you could just do that once and sit with it. You could skip it all together.

I'm going to walk my body forward a little bit so I can get a little bit more of an extreme stretch that feels good. And then for me, what I really have to think about specifically on this side is letting my thigh be heavy on the mat so that the stretch travels all the way down to my, my flexors, my hip flexors. Otherwise it gets stuck a little bit. So for me it's really letting go. Imagine that, letting go. Hmm. But this has been about, isn't it? So here again, I'm going to press down through my top leg and kind of roll myself back and playfully find it and I think we did three on the other side. So I'll do one more here. Certainly if you would like to stick with one that would be okay or do three or four.

And also if you found yourself not comfortable rolling back, you know, you could always remove your arm right here and then bring yourself into a nice little release or stretch in some way, shape or form. So that's something to pay attention to when you visited this the second time. If it's not comfortable for you to roll back, just disengage. Thanks again for playing.

Chapter 7

So I've got one more piece for you today and um, it's a little more playful.

I don't know. I think they've all been playful, but this one we're going to begin with our elbows hooked again and stand up so that your legs are straight and you know, you can explore forward or back. If I take my legs further back, I get a little more sensation. If I take my legs more underneath me, it's a little less sensation. So it really depends on you. And of course your height will, will factor in here. So just explore and find what works. So what I've done here is I've held onto one of my arms and just make sure that whichever one you hold onto you choose at some point to change. But boy, this just gives me such a wonderful release through my neck and my head.

My shoulders are quite comfortable here. Um, and, and, and now we're going to explore a little bit. So here I'll start by just leaning forward just a little and that brings a little more stretch in my shoulders and my front body. You just want to go cautiously and make sure you feel comfortable. And then I'm going to lean back here, back to this place where my head is heavy and I'm getting some really nice traction and my neck feels wonderful. And then again, we're going to go forward and just kind of check this out. So for many of you, this is going to be plenty and that's, that's great. You can build up to doing more or you can just play with this and that's enough.

So just for the sake of changing it up here, I'm going to switch which arm I'm holding and again that that makes it feel different to me. I feel more sensation on one arm than the other depending on what, which one I'm holding. And now I invite you to maybe come all the way forward to like a plank position here. And so I've got my abdominals engaged, my, my shoulders are are being pulled back here, which feels wonderful through my front body. And then I'll just pull back to where I came from. So as long as you move cautiously and slowly and you listen to your body, you should be able to really find something interesting here.

And that's what I'm looking for. Explore. Now you can take this even another layer deeper. If it suits you here, I'm an invite you to bend your knees and pull back and let my head relax. So as I go forward, I lift my head a little bit. That feels nice. But as I bend my knees, I want to let my head relax.

It's a little hard for me to remember to do that while I'm talking, but I'm gonna work on it. And then there's a final piece to this. So again, you're going to really stay wherever it suits you. But here if you're comfortable with the knees bent and the head hanging, you can actually continue to bend the knees and put them down on the mat and that's going to take you into a really nice big stretch. Now, if it felt scary putting your knees down, I don't recommend doing it. Or if you feel like, oh gosh, I'm hearing how do I get back up? Um, you might have to find a creative way to get out, but what I'm going to suggest is that you can press into your feet and really engage your abdominals and lift up using your legs, your abs, just your arms, and come back to that first shape. And just so that we have the experience on both sides. Again, I'm going to change which hand I was holding and I'm going to go through those pieces again.

So here I'll just start shifting forward and come to like a plank type position, right? Trust is open, the head gaze changes and then I'm going to bend the knees, let the head hang, be relaxed here and then I'm gonna decide do I feel comfortable here putting my knees down? I do. And then you can actually hear, even push forward a little bit that makes the stretch change and pull back a little bit. Okay. So it's really up to you. I like having the toes talked as mine are right now. So the pads on my toes are down. Um, you're welcome to put your feet flat, but this is also a really nice foot stretch. And anybody who who knows me knows I never miss an opportunity for a good foot stretch. And that's actually where we're headed next. So here if you, you can re recover here. You can either stand back up if that's best for you, or you can let go of your hands and simply come back and then sit on your feet. And now you're in a nice little foot stretch in a kneeling position. Now again, like I showed you, um, hopefully you've watched all of these or are protected in all of these, but I'm in the very first one. I showed this one where we, we, uh, had the feet flat and one of my clients had had come up with this, this version where she could get into a kneeling position.

I want to take that a step further. So I'm hoping your knees are comfortable here. Um, we're going to take one foot forward and the other foot forward and first come to a sitting position and just really relax through the shoulders. Now this is a nice reverse from what we just did. Ah, letting go. I feel so good. So I've, I've grounded down through my feet and I'm letting my whole back be inflection and I'm just kinda swinging a little bit forward and back. Like, honestly, I'm, I'm wanting to be a little playful and, and feel my legs and feel my body and I feel such a nice release through my back. Now for me, anything, inflection has always been difficult. Doing roll-ups or even chest lifts sometimes. So this has really helped me to create more range and I don't know, maybe a path to being able to hold on or, or, or find this position when I'm doing other exercises.

So you could stay here or you could walk your feet back a little bit and this is where we're going to take it into a different place. So I've also really enjoyed working with the deep squat and I think a lot of times, um, people that I work with have a hard time being in this position. So this is a way where you could stop anywhere and use your arms a little bit to help you find the, the range of motion you might need to get into this deep squat position. Now my feet are a little bit out in front of me and I'd like them to be more underneath me. So I've decided to pull them back. And so now here I'm in a more grounded deep squat position, letting my head hang and my arms are being pulled up and I'm swaying a little bit side to side so I can feel different sensation.

And what's interesting to me is when I sway, um, over to the right, I feel a lot of sensation on my left side, but I don't feel that same sensation when I go the other way. So I'm a little tighter on one side. So I invite you to explore and see what you feel. Feel free to stay here or move away from this or if you want to continue on and explore your flexibility through your legs and your feet. We can use our arms a little bit to support here and come up and over to the knees, press forward through the heart.

The feet are still stretching and then we come back through to the feet and I'm really almost like woo. That was a little too, I'm moving my feet back cause I didn't feel like I was in the right spot there. So a little further back with my feet. And now I feel I can go up and over and bring my heart forward and I can control the movement as I come back and through without it being a leap of faith to put my feet back down. That's perfect. So again, I'm in the squat position. I'm going up and over my two feet, putting my knees down, pressing forward through my heart. And You can also bring yourself upright and feel that real extreme foot stretch right here. Come forward.

Use the abdominals around, back in through flat feats. And one final piece here that feels really divine for me. Forward, I'm gonna untuck my feet and then release to my hands for the first time and enjoy a really wonderful stretch through my quadriceps. And I'm exploring a little bit side to side because that feels good. Now certainly if you don't want to go this far back, you could keep your elbows here and you could just lean back a little bit and that would feel nice. But I know for me, I really want to be in a nice big stretch here and that feels good. Opening maybe through the chest.

Cool. Wasn't in planning to do this, but now I see another whole series coming. Yeah. Here we go. [inaudible] Ah, and then you can use your arms to come up from there. And I thank you all so very much for hanging around with me.


3 people like this.
This will only play first 2:32 of the tutorial.
Looks great. Now we just need all the other chapters :)
2 people like this.
Very interested! Hope you get the rest of it up soon.
4 people like this.
how suspenseful. apparently our hanging has been suspended....
Hi Everyone, We have fixed this tutorial so you should be able to see all of the chapters. We hope you enjoy it!
1 person likes this.
Sarah thank you for this awakening and opening. For someone with fairly good range sometimes its hard to find enough space to work on restrictions - you have shown me how!!
3 people like this.
that was worth waiting for. thank you.
1 person likes this.
Definitely worth the wait! I don't have a Cadillac so I am thinking of trying with my TRX straps. Do you think that will work?

Thanks for all of the release work you do. I love it!
1 person likes this.
Sarah - I so enjoyed hanging around with you. What a nice way to explore and open the body. I am new to having a full cadillac and this series has offered so many possibilities. My loops are a bit shorter and smaller - so longer ones may work a bit better. Which company's loops are you using in this turtoial. Thank you!
Hi Lori, So happy you like this hanging! Certainly the TRX will work for some of the pieces. Because the straps are not padded, it is uncomfortable on the skin, but worth a try.
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