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Workshop #3497

Lower Extremities

85 min - Workshop


Join Juan Nieto in his workshop that looks at the lower extremities to facilitate what happens in the knees. Many people have issues with this joint and he shares options that will help your body adapt so you can distribute the load in a better way during your regular activities. He also provides exercises and activities that can be done to improve the function of the lower extremities so you can build strength and move without pain.


- Learn progressions that will allow you to build strength and improve mobility in a safe way

- Learn how to make your body resilient to multi-dimensional challenges

- Learn how you can communicate with your body to distribute load in a safe way

What You'll Need: Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Wunda Chair Handles, Moon Box

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Nov 30, 2018
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Chapter 1

Okay. So we're here to work on the lower extremities. Um, especially trying to have the knee, because most of the time is the, is the joint that has a lot of issues and problems and people have complaints. And again, in order to work on the knee and to facilitate what happens in the knee and the tracking and stability and pain and essentially citation and everything, it is really important to understand what happens in the hip and the food. So there's no hip or food that can fix a knee. And, and I can tell you this very well because I had three knee surgeries, I very kind of weakness and problems with them. So to try to make them stronger every time and trying to do as much as I can with them. And, and if you do the right thing, it works. So, so that's a good thing about the body that is very resilient and strong. And if you do the the right amount of, uh, mechanical tension, it will respond in that in a positive way. So, so the first thing I want you to, I want to tell you is that, um, I'm a physical therapist and many people come here and say, I want to learn corrective exercise for the knee. Um, and they really hate the word. So, so there is nothing that we need to correct or not correct, is not moving your knee out of the sagittal plane.

That is creating a problem is not having your arms or your shoulders up or your forehead that is creating a problem. Could be, could be potentially, but it doesn't mean that this is a source of problem. Every time is not a source of problem. If your food is flat or your niece goes into Bulger's, uh, what could be a problem is that is, is your only option. If this is your only option in your life, uh, and you don't do anything different in your life, you probably adapted to that and you probably won't have that won't have a problem. So you slouch all day, eight hours a day and this is what you do. You are completely adapted, adapted to a slouching. So probably won't give you any problem. So it's not about a good posture and bad posture is about what is your body use to do. So if for whatever reason, do you need to Slouch for 20 hours because you working on a project, you probably experience that pain back pain. Why?

Because you are exceeding the tolerance of that tissue and that tissue is telling you a enough, that's it. It's too much slouching for me. But if you are adapted to a slouch for eight, 10 hours, that's okay. So fix it. It's not gonna give you a relief or, yes, because if you take the low to a different place, if you are stuck your span on different wave, you'd take your weight to your, to the hips, uh, probably those tissues stop sending you signals and say, okay, I'm not painful anymore. I have some help from other parts of the body, so now I'm okay. But what is a bad relationship? Is slouching is bad. And being right is good. It's not like that. Maybe you are outright too long for, I don't know, 20 hours flight from Madrid to Sydney trying to be completely up right.

And you have a terrible back pain and then you need to slow out and you're like, ah, that's good. Okay. So, so with the lower extremities is the same. If every time you run every 10 your jump, every 10 just stand. This is what happens at the end. These tissues around here probably will complain. It doesn't even mean that they are damaged. Uh, there are sensitize.

They have a signal and say, hey, too much a, it's painful. A W can you do it somewhere else? No. Was Not, not from this side all the time. Uh, so basically the signals, um, and it's their association that we create that can be kind of dangerous, uh, for people in pain, especially in our world, in our politesse world, uh, we can create this what is called the no, no Seabourn effect. That is if you are not aligned, your knee, you're going to have pain. And then something that is actually not true can become true.

The truth for that person because they can feel that they need to move that way. And whenever they feel some little change, they are super scared. The signals are maximized and now they have pain every time they move in a different way. So, so again, it's about having options. It's about can you move your knee here? Do you know how to do it in a sagittal plane? Yes. Perfect.

So now we have this option and also you can do this. Yeah, you can do this and it's okay for your tissues. Your tissues are ready. Yes. And can you do this? Yes, I can do that. So that is giving you different options instead of trying to be on the same perfect spot all the time. That actually never happens. It's just an illusion in your head. You cannot run a marathon in the sagittal plane. It is impossible.

Maybe you can run 200 meters on the sagittal plate and then what your fatigue or you're distracted, you move as you move. But the more communication you have with your body and the more options you have to change to adapt to go forward backwards to the one side and another side, trying to control the movement, uh, the, you're going to distribute the load in a, in a better way. Okay. So, um, another thing about this is sometimes people with, especially with knee pain, they come to our classes and the day after a workout, they, they say, oh, I don't know what you did just today, but it was so, so bad. I have like a lot of inflammation and pain. So, so sometimes happens, sometimes we are trying to do our politesse workout, um, for whatever reason because the, the tolerance and, and the ability to, uh, the tissues to, to have enough capacity to support the low, it changes if you sleep bad or you have a fight with your wife or something like that, it affects also your, your capacity and your tolerance. So for whatever reason you do up in that this class and you increase the tissues, the tissue that demand a little bit and that is too much and that knee reacts. So, so what is important for us to understand is that we are not ruining any tissue.

It's is, is not tissue damage. You cannot create tissue damage one day, one class. It's impossible. You need like a lot of classes for a long time to really create a bad damage into the tissue. So, so that's why we need to tell them the clients, it's like you go, you know, for whatever reason we did too much for your knee and your nervous system is pissed off or me and you probably for doing it. But that's okay. So let's give it a rest, uh, some rest and adjust it and then we can start over again. Okay. Because this not right or wrong movement. It's a body that is ready, unprepared to do it. And if you progress accordingly, it's very likely that you won't have any problem. And that's the most important thing for me is to shift the focus into how we progress.

How we strengthen our bodies instead of do I need to align and control and plan all the movements in my body? No, it's, that's not, the benefit is not what happened. So the benefit of the lattice is that we can be amazingly progressive. That's the, that for me, the best strength of, of Gladys is that we can take people with no body awareness, no condition in normal validity, no stability, no strength, fear of movement, um, completely sedentary. And we can create a very nice environment for them so they can enjoy movement. And that's, that's priceless or unbelievable. Uh, so, so this is really the value that we have that we can progress.

So focus on progress and strengthen the tissues and no create, no cebo effect. Like this is wrong, this is right. No, everything is right. So let's do it in a proper way. Increased the options of your clients and they will be okay. And they would be kind of encouraged to do more to run marathons and to climb a mountain or whatever they want to do. Okay. So that's kind of the, the, the, the focus that I use in my exercise. Um, and this is how I teach and this is how I select the exercise and how I trick it, uh, in order to work on the lower extremities. So I would love to use your help, any of you, one of you to work on, on the chair. Okay Jo. Thank you.

So come here Yo. So first thing, uh, I use the chair a lot, uh, to work on uh, lower extremities and, and hip, knee and ankle conditioning. And I use it a lot. Um, one of the things that I use is not using the springs and I can create kind of cool environments here. So what I want you to do is to just step up here on the, on the pedals, that's it. And make sure that you'd take your metal, metal tarsals and they chose on the bar. So I prefer that. I prefer that you go into, into that part. Okay. So one of the cool things about this is that our using the betters, we have room under the floor, so, so we can increase our range of motion. Uh, it's a little bit unstable because it's tiny and, uh, we have that foam, so it's challenging. And also we can use the, these, uh, the balls.

So, so it has a very good interest in our features to work on, on ankle mobility. So this is what I want you to do. Okay? I want you to just heal, ah, raise your heels. So let's do a heel raise. Okay. And make sure that you focus on, especially the big toe, but the ball of the first metatarsal Phalangeal joint and the big toe there. Okay? So if you release the uprights, can you keep your balance? Uh, that's it. So this is what I want you to find. Okay. So come back.

So one of the things that is important is if we want to put our center of gravity over our base of support, which is what we need to do to be balanced, we need to take usefully the pelvis a little bit forward. Over this very tiny bit of a, of the toes. Okay. So that's it. I want to focus on this part going forward. Fantastic. And if you think that you probably do too much with the ribs, trying to take the rips back. Okay. Because most of the times where we do in order to find our center of gravity is to move from here instead of moving from here. Okay.

I think you got it. That's, that's a different change. Okay. So take one finger, only one and the other in its hand. And we're going to try to keep that posture when you go all the way down. Slowly. Okay. So with the hill, sorry. Yeah. Okay. So go and keep exploring. Even though sometimes we feel that, uh, we get to the point that there is no more movement, not true. So there's way more movement than we think. So Joe, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.

Okay. And now slowly go up from there. And this is new range of motion. This is an range of motion that she haven't experienced too much before. And the same way that he now is, he's trying to get the same focus into their plantarflexion. So go up an app, an app, an app, an app, that's it. And Try to learn thing from there. Okay? And now it's slowly down.

I knew I wanted to focus on your knees, so your knees wants to bend in order to create a little bit more easy room into the ankle. But I don't want you to bend them, especially the right. That's it. I want you to give the knee very, very, very extended. You feel that connection everywhere now. Now you create instability and connection to get enough mobility into their ankle. And let's do it again. Great job.

Keep going, keep going. And everything is active, right? Everything is active core and our rest a little bit. So. So now you're exploring different range of motion. It's a, it's more challenging that it looks right. Um, the activation that you have is not, because I told you squeeze your glutes, squids, your quads is because you organize your body and you challenge your body at the range of motion that it needs, that stability. And this is the change that we need to do. Instead of telling the body, watch what you do, we need to set the context for the body to react and say, okay, I need all this stability of, of, or if not, I can, I can do the exercise. Okay? So can we progress this a little bit? Okay, so let's go back at the same, same position.

We're going to play with this. Um, I'm gonna keep it a bit higher, but if it's too much, maybe we change. I want you to keep heels up and do a full squat. So when you do a full squad, you can touch a little bit here. Okay? So what I recommend is if you can push just a tiny bit, usually enough. So let's do a full squat in that position. Great job. Okay.

So make sure that you take the weight on the big ball of the toe, that ball are the big toe and then go up. That's it. I know I have a bit of arthritis in my knees. It's painful. Not right now. Okay. But in there the fear will kind of make you a little bit like, okay, so, so, so it's interesting with arthritis in your knees that we all have. I have my seven year old boy, half everyone, half has half hot. Sorry everyone, there's several or different degrees of arthritis. Okay. But, but the correlation between arthritis and pain or function is just 50%.

Meaning like you can get like a hundred MRI and 50% of the people with very bad arthritis have no pain and 50% of people with very rough Fridays they have pain. So the correlation is not that big. Meaning like not all the time we have arthritis, we are going to have pain or, or dysfunction. Um, but it's interesting like, like, like you said is the fear and the movement and the range of motion that we are doing. It gets a little challenge into the, into the knee. So what I would do with you in the real world is not doing thousand of them, but explore the range. If it's not painful, you, you're telling me it's not. Okay. So let's do a couple of them. Okay?

And tomorrow you do one more and the next day you do a one more, the next day you do one more. And at the end you, you cannot relate yourself. Like, I have arthritis, I shouldn't be doing this or my knees are bad. No, your knees are strong with our arthritis, but strong. Okay. The arthritis is a natural process of the body, uh, is a proof that we are life. So I always think my arthritis really is like, thank you. You're there. I'm still life. I'm getting, I'm getting all fantastic.

Good job. All right, so a different relationship with your arthritis now. Yes. You'll love it. You'll love it. You will, your will, your life. Okay. So let's, let's try to do another, another squat. So try to keep your heels as high as you can. Okay. That's one of the rules.

Okay. Go Up. Good job. Good job. Good job. Fantastic. All right. And up the Lyman is good. The strength in the toes is good. And finish the extension. That's it. And remember, try to take the rips a little bit back and the pelvis a little bit forward.

You, uh, that guy. Okay. Okay. So you really want to lengthen from here. Okay. So let's do it again. Try to meet the state bones with the hills. So you probably need to go a little bit forward. That's it.

Um, back. You feel it quiet. Okay. So arrest, go down and shake it a little bit. Okay. Okay. So it is very common if, if we are not very confident with our knees trying to go back in order to, to get the balance. But the thing is that if you don't have the sticks, you cannot really balance. So one of the things that is interesting in, in this pattern is we have the dowels or that, that depose, um, and we can change our balance, our center of gravity. So purely in order to protect your knees, uh, the tendency is to take the center of gravity back. So trying to release a little bit of weight into, into the knees.

So what I wanted you to encourage, now try and not using this is trying to meet the sit bones into the heat, into the hills like this, because it's the only way to be with without any support. If we are like this or like this, you need some sort of support most of the time. Okay. So want to try it one more time. Yep. So let's do it. So let's take the big toe. Make sure that the way this basically on the big ball, I liked the way you started.

So let's try to get the sit bones all the way down to the hills job. That's it. That's it. That's it. You know what I mean? Is Different movement. So that's it. Again, options. I have the options to do a full squat if I go this back.

But if I go forward, I don't have enough strength. I don't have snuff stability. That's okay. It's, it's a way of creating more options and doing things in, um, and with different possibilities. So that's how our body condition and, and strengthen. Okay. But it's, it's quite different, right? I didn't feel it in my knee at all. You don't fit in that. And that's also true. It's, it doesn't mean that you're going to have more, uh, load into your knees. Probably less because you are more centered. Okay. So there, so there's a little bit less liver into, into the, into the knees.

So we're going to use the same idea in a different, different environment. Okay. So now I want you to, instead of pushing, I want it to pool. So you're gonna take your fingers here or here. So your, this side, because the idea is now trying to keep the heels as low as you can. That's it. And then remember this, if we want to have our center of gravity here over the toes has to be there. That's it. Good job. So now you really, your base of support is this and your center of gravity's over your toes.

So try to do a full squat in this position. Wait, Joe, if it's too high, that's it. So go as slow as you can, as slow as you can. Slow as you can. Okay, good. Joe. That's it. All right, fantastic. So this is a good way of working on ankle Dorsiflexion, um, with a little bit of support into their full squat. All right, so let's do it again and try to keep it, but the hills down. Oh, sorry. So the heels down. Okay. And go up. So [inaudible] hello. Sorry. No, no, no. Sorry. No, no, no. You sit down. Okay.

It isn't first, it's impossible to give the hills all the way down so they, they will need to move up a little bit. But the intention in, in your head is trying to keep it as low as you can. The second thing that I want you to focus is try to try to use a little bit less help with your arms. Okay. So, and let's see. So this is just safety in case you fall in case you fall or something. Okay. All right, let's do it. [inaudible] that is better. Good job. And that would be enough.

If the pelvis is under the, is below the knees. That's okay. And now trying to use this less. That's it. Now it gets different. Right. Okay, good. Well we are not going to do a lot that we have an amazing tool to work on this. We don't need the springs. Um, it's a really cool environment to work on on the ankle mobility and also the, the full squat pattern. And I use it a lot. Sometimes as a warm up. I, instead of doing [inaudible] job like food work all the time, I try to go into this, this pattern.

And it's also very interesting to have this tiny base of support because it makes your food very, very, um, able to work. It needs to be working all the time. So actually the food also gets fatigued after awhile. So thank you Joe. You're gonna have another partner for the next part of it. So any, any questions on something on this? Nope, makes sense. Okay.

Chapter 2

So now we're gonna keep working on the same idea of the posture of where they chose and trying to work on the, uh, ankle mobility.

And then we're going to challenge a Libyan. So let's take your hands here again, the same position as yo, so the, the chose and the metatarsal metatarsal Phalangeal joints on the, uh, pedals. And then we're gonna take one foot up. That's it. So, so this position is really, really interesting. Uh, for many reasons. Uh, first we are doing a reciprocal motion when one leg is doing flection, the other leg is doing extension. So that's really interesting because it's gonna create stability, but at the same time, it's gonna feed, uh, each other pattern, uh, activity. So can you stand up and we're going to do this, uh, the success side.

We're going to do it together. So let's go down and, and we do it together. So this is, this is the thing. Um, I wanted to focus on your left. No, on your right. Glutes. Okay. So that's your right glutes. Okay, good. And don't do anything with it. I don't want you to engage it. I just want you to feel it. Okay?

And I want you to go into hip flexion with the left. Okay? I know. Let's do more and more and more and more and more. What happens in your head?

It's working all of you. So the glutes are working. So do I need to tell my glutes to work? Engage on [inaudible]? No, they flection in this side is creating the extension in the other side. And the extension on the other side is also creating. So sometimes we focus on, I need to work on my extension. Maybe you never do enough flection to trigger this extension. And that happens with runners a lot. So they don't have enough room, enough hip flection momentum here.

So this doesn't need to work because they run like just like this. So, so that's one of the reasons we use the reciprocal patterns a lot. So he's going to give us the ability is going to get rid of the mobility in the lumbars, which is stable here is going to increase the load, which is also good. And it's also going to create these kinds of patterns. So we're gonna work both flexion and extension. Okay. So thank you. So Brianna, take two. Let's do that again.

So right foot up, this leg is going to be very, very active. Okay. For the same reason we just, we as discussed. So I want you to go into a point, extend the knees, the knee as much as you can. Okay. So trying to give that very, very stable and active leg. And this is important part of the exercise. I want to go all the way forward. Smash as you can. So before we were doing an assessment and we were testing what happens with the ankle dorsiflexion. Okay. So this is a very good way of working on that. Okay.

So I want it to be a little bit more Ab. Right? And less supported there. Good job. And then we're going to come back if I need that in this case I think is interesting. I'm going to give a little bit of feedback here. So as soon as you feel that the heel is going up, we're going to stop. Okay. But first more extension, more plants or friction and then go forward.

That's it. Job, job, job. Fantastic. And then we come back. So we can go, we can work on the planter and the doors. Reflection on this leg in a passive way. In a close change, a situation, which is what usually happens. We'll have the gravity and we have our body and the joints move the joints, I'm sure of their movement. But we also need to generate movement.

So we're going to do the same with that. So when you come back, we keep extending there and now we're going to do the dorsiflexion with the [inaudible]. That's it. And this is really important. And as we were talking to Joe, extend here that so you feel the whole connection in the leg. So that very tiny degrees is the whole difference from the, from the food. So let's go up slowly and then go forward.

So you work on the close chain, you go up, you really extend here, you really push, that's it. And then you come back and now you load this and keep extending, extend, extend, sacrum forward, extend the knee, keep exploring a bit more, Brianna. That's it. Keep going more, more, more, just any other millimeter is important. And then try not to lift the two to take the body forward. Go up first. That's it. Okay. And then fantastic. This is what I want you to do. It kind of improved by itself. So the alignment is better, the stability is better. So the guys that you are home, so if you're just watching this, you're going to probably turn it off.

But if you're doing it as, like you said, if you're doing this exercise, you're going to feel the value of it. This is a stupid exercise that looks like nothing, but when you start doing it, it's like, wow, I know. I know. So that's why it's important to have your chair in four of your computer. Uh, so you can do it. But it's true. What you said is this little trick makes a whole new world because our nervous system always moves in the range of motion that we know.

So does going out a little bit. It's, it's dark sewn. It's, it's, we don't really know what's there. So that's where the improvement comes from. So if we are always working in the range of motion that we know it's what we already know. So, so we need to go a little bit beyond and it's these little details that change the way we understand how to use our body. Okay, so great. So another thing that we are going to do is without telling you your knee was going forward, which is fine, but I want you now to feel or to imagine like, like a clock. Like we have 12 one and 11, two and 10.

So just this part of the clock and keeping the foot in that position. I want you to take the knee into the different, uh, parts of, of that clock. But don't forget about this. So we go up, do you want change? Like, okay, let's see. That's the brewer does the proof. That is very challenging. All right, so Beto that's it. So we're gonna go here and go up.

Remember to extend this knee, remember to take that weight into the big toe. This is quite stable and now we're going to go forward. Make sure that you are using a lot of focus on that. Okay, so this is going to the 12th. Okay. And then we come back just a tiny bit and then we go to 11. Okay. And then we come back. So just a little detail.

I want it to go to 10. That's it. And then go forward. Fantastic. Now you're using your hips to do it. You feel that the food has to work a bit more, is higher, more activation in your toes. Great. That's another way of creating dorsiflexion. And then you come back, you think you have another, another stop there. So that's it. So really, really challenged the big show and the ball.

So make sure the belt is going forward. Perfect. The knee is really, really open and you're working on keeping the big toe down, so fantastic. And then you come back. Okay. Complete different relationship in the pelvis and also the other leg. Good job. But it's also interesting to go into this pattern again. Vogels or pronated food is one of the, um, it's one of the, uh, movements that everyone's blame to create injuries, slouching, Vargos. All these kinds of things. Forehead, they're like famous, uh, position that people don't want to have and they are not necessarily wrong. What is wrong is if you don't control or if it's your only option.

So if you have problems in the inner part of the food of their knees, sorry, and like municipal staff or uh, collateral ligament, you really need to strengthen those tissues is not an option just to have all the room in the wall and no stability that you really need to go there because going to the opposite side all the time isn't going to fix it. He goes, when you are fatigued, you're gonna fall into that pattern that you were already injured. So make sure that you challenge the places where you were broken before it goes. Those are your weakest point. Okay? So we're going to do the same idea with the clock. So we go up, so we stand tall and then we go to one. Make sure that it, that the food is not dropping soon enough. Okay? Not very soon.

And then you come back and then we go to the other one and go forward. That's it. And then let's see, we have another one. That's it. So try to keep the outer part of the foot and the heel really connected. That's it. And make sure that you work in there and then you come back. Okay. So let's go back. How is it good?

Is Challenging in the foot? Absolutely. Absolutely. So, so going into roam patterns in our control and active way is what helps you to, to control eventually. So neglecting or not going there and anytime, uh, how are you going to improve it? It's, it's impossible. If you don't challenge that pattern that you were injured, it's impossible to improve it. Okay. So now what we're going to do is to add, uh, springs. Okay. So you helped me. Yeah. Cool. So, uh, it's springs is, uh, is really, really cool too. So we're gonna take one white students in the higher position.

So the first exercise is going to be the same. The difference is that you have a lot of feedback now from the spring. So you really need to press down with the active leg. Okay. So when I do forward lands with, uh, with my clients and also with my students, it's like one of those exercises that are really, really scary for them, that they don't know how to do it, that they don't feel that they control and you know, it's, it's should, should be very easy for us. It's huge. It's like climbing this third, a tall one. But even with a, with assistant is, it's not that bad. So I think that most of the times the problem comes from the back leg.

If the back leg is not active, it's not feeding activity in the, in the higher, higher leg. So let's go down. Okay, so big toes, uh, metatarsal goals. That's it. The alignment that you feel, uh, good for you. I want you to take one foot out. Okay. So the alignment is, it's okay. So when did you start pressing really, really, uh, uh, kind of strong here. That's it. Make sure that the knee is fully extended, that the hip is fully extended.

Posture is good. So now I wanted to keep pushing down and take the knee as forward as you can. Four, four way. So the more weight you put here, the more activations you need there. Right? Yeah. Okay. So that's it. And then you come back. Let's do it again.

Cool. All right. So, uh, we're going to do the forward lance exercise. Okay. So, so now Brianna, we're going to come to their full kind of traditional forward lance exercise. So you can use the legs that the like that you want. So let's take one foot up. Okay.

So we don't forget the things that we are already doing is we go very active with the back leg. So we really pushed down. We take as much movement forward as we can. So we want to make sure that the ankle is locked. It's really, really stable. Okay. Before, with the wall we have this relationship. So I can be the wall now. So you make sure that you keep this and now what I want you to do is trying to go as a vertical as you can with your buddy. Okay.

That's it. So keep the knee where it, what it is. Fantastic. If you need to adjust the food, you can do it. Okay. So this is what is really, really interesting first is to really get this load and this r block here. So you want to have a very stable uncle here and then we're going to go back. If I make you keep the knee here, you really need to be very active in sitting.

So you are using this instead of your body weight going back. So you really need to go and work into the hip flection of this leg to go down to, okay. Even though it's not a lot of way, you can make it more challenging if you want with more weight. But again, we are working in this idea of reciprocal movement. Okay? So let's do it again. So we go forward. So try and that's it. And now be very active in the back leg and then you go up. Good job. Are you breathing?

Okay enough to survive? So now keep the knee here. So I'm helping you here and make sure that you create the motion in the hip. So you really need to sit here and you really need to extend there. That good job. Okay. That's enough. It's a bit different, right? Yeah.

So, so we're not using our center of gravity too much. We're really focusing on creating the emotion in the hips. Okay. We can do, we can tweak this again, if we just train the sagittal plane, this is our option. This is where we are strong. But again, how we become stronger into the valgus position or the virus. So we can use the same idea or the same exercise too.

So this is what we are going to do. Now. I want to take the food that you want on top of the, that's it. And I want it to go up. You have enough assistance. Maybe you need a more weight. I can do it. Let me, let me give you a bit more because this, this chart, this pattern is a bit challenging. Okay? So, and taking, um, Julian, instead of the two whites, we are doing true blacks in the higher, higher positions. Okay? So now this is the exercise.

We're gonna finish the lines exercise. So we're gonna go all the way down when we go back, instead of going like traditionally we do, we're gonna Churn and we're gonna go in this. That's like a chord c course. That's it. You can do that battle that you need is the pen of where you are. So this is maybe, can we do the other side if you don't mind?

Okay, so take this food a little bit to the that. Okay, so now we're going to start that way and this way, use the Dallas at the beginnings or the balls. So you go into rotation and then you bend the knee and then you go there. Okay. And then you go all the way down. Okay, so now, so I want my knee to go over it.

The knee needs to adjust is, again, it's not that the knee wants to go, so somewhere or anything, anywhere or it's, it has to adjust. If we see a full drop and a complete lack of control here, maybe we'll address it. That in your case, this is what you really want to strengthen this valgus situation, which is, it's not enzyme. It's not that. So this is what I want you to feel. So, so you are encouraging through the rotation of your pelvis. Okay. So now we go forward. It's not painful for you right now. And then we come back up. You keep rotating your body now, so you add it and then you go all the way up. Fantastic.

And then do that knee forward, lock the, that's it, the ankle and then you go back and then up. So is the pelvis back and you come back. Fantastic. So one of the things that I really like is that you keep a very nice awareness of where the knee has to be and if you're able to give the stability in the ankle, like locking the ankle at the end range, the food has to be or tends to be a stable, which is what happened. So you're going to see a lot of uh, uh, bad movement. There is, it's really, really well integrated. But at the same time you're challenging the valgus position and you are strengthening your body in a different way. Okay. If we, what we want to do is to encourage what happens in the virus. A part, we can do it sideways. So we're going to face that part.

So I want you to take the second show on the left here. Great. And this one can be quite back if you need. Okay. So, uh, let's go all the way down first. That's it. So the knee now has to be, when you do the, the lunch has to be out. That's it. Out of a, of the pole. Okay. You got it? Yeah, that's it.

So we're gonna do one. Okay. Just, okay, let, let me, let me give you a little feedback. Is the food, is the food, uh, well supported? Yes. Okay. So I want you to go into, AH, again, yeah, that's it. This is again, reality check. This is what we really have in the ankle.

If we can read off whatever pronation you have. Okay. So it's, it's more challenging for you. Okay. So from there, I want you to go up into the land position. That's it. And I want you to keep this sensation there. If you feel that the knees pressing in internally into try to move it away from the front of the pole. Okay. To get that space. And now we're going to come back. So keep the knee forward and go actively in the hips. So look forward.

That's it. Good job. And the food is reacting. It's getting better and better. And then we go again and breathe. Okay. Good job. Okay, good. So thank you Brianna. So can I go down? Yeah. Okay, cool.

So no Brianna, what I really want to do at the end is once we have breakdown the patterns, we are working on this and this and that is trying to integrate in a more kind of practical or or real pattern that happens in, in our lives. Okay. So we are trying to do a full lunch from the floor into the step and going up and then you coming back, having the springs is really interesting because it provides first assistance resistance too, but also very nice feedback to understand where is my body weight and that's very important. Another two to move for running, for climbing, for whatever we're doing is to understand why, what is happening with my mass, with my body weight. Okay, so this is the exercise. I think I'm going to keep that to black in there. A higher position. So why don't you take only one food there. Okay. Um, you can use this, uh, eventually all the exercise, we do it with no hand support but for today, so it's okay.

So I wanted to step back a little bit with this. That's not too much. And now try to keep a, so don't use a hand now for now and release the food a little bit. Okay. And now keep it, it's too heavy. Okay. Let me say, let me take some weight from you. So we're going to change one black for one white.

Okay. I think you will be able to manage that one. All right, so, okay, so that John, alright, so you can manage that. Yeah. Okay. If you want to use it. Now what I want you to do is from there, go with the same button we were practicing before, extending here, going into extension back and take the other like look up that now. Very active here. Go forward, go up and finish the lunch. And then you extend the knee and bend this one as high as you can. That's it. So remember this, the more flexing you create there, the more extensions you need to create that. Okay, so from this position we go into hinge and back.

That's it. Remember the knee remains forward. That's it. And now your body weight is quite a lot here. But you need to transfer back but not too much because you need to keep weight. And this is the challenging part. You take their foot away from the chair and keep pressing that. Are you okay there? So let's try to do it again. So go as high as you can.

Center gravity over the toes. Good. He flection, go forward, keep it up. Extend. And now back four. So before starting here, this, that's it. So slowly down, control your weight. There you go. Okay. Can you do it? No hands is so, it's so different.

So let's try it. It's doable, but great job. Keep going. That's it. It's important. Not just stop. The movement is one movement and one movement back. Good job. Good job. Remember the weight on the left, on the right. Sorry. Eh, good job. Okay. I take it, I take it. Okay. So, so when you could just do this and, and I do with my clients quite a lot and I take this out of the way so they don't have that temptation of grabbing it. Uh, it becomes really interesting, uh, and becomes quite natural. Uh, but what is interesting is that we don't finish the movement jazz by doing flection and extension. We go back, we climbed, we go on, continue.

Like we have like several chairs over there. Okay. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So, so, so this is, this is a really interesting comment where you said, it's like you have the dowels and you are safer but, but your pre activation like pre anticipatory balance and um, pre activation of the muscles is gone because you are already activated. So, so it's not reactive. It's proactive by this. So, so you know, working in balance a lot. So what you experiences that not using this is probably more challenging, but at the same time your body needs to say, hey, if I, if I'm not doing okay, boom, the Bell I was gonna add are gonna fall. So No, you are reacting in a more practical way like you're trying to, to survive to the task, which is also interesting, but, but we can play with both. So hands on hand. So, okay. So, so great.

Chapter 3

So it using the wall, it's, it's really interesting, it's gonna give us a lot of feedback to understand where is our body weight and if we are really taking, uh, the, the, the position of the knee or north central gravity over their food that has to work. And also we can get more sense of where the knee is going. So, so it's, it's quite interesting. Another thing that we can do is if we are using quite a lot of these motion to create the strength because we substitute, uh, hip extensors with a irregular spanner. So back extensors.

So you're going to notice because you're going to want to fall. So it's going to give you a very nice feedback to understand how to organize this. And now you really need to work on the, on the hips. That is what we want. Okay? So let's, let's go on there. On the chair. I help you with this. So you can take the foot, the [inaudible], so a big Cho and the metatarsal on the pedal. And now let's take the other foot forward. Okay? Okay.

So what I usually do is trying to check what is the, uh, the point where you can touch the wall, but at the same time you can have their heel down. So for instance, um, can you take the fruit to the, to the center so we can get this and if you need to change this, I have the, okay, you better there. Okay, so now let's try to check if you can take the knee into the pillow too far away. Okay. So let's go forward. Okay, fantastic. And they go there. Okay. A bit too far away, but well done. So let's come back. Come on. Come forward just a tiny bit, even though we lose a little. Alright, that's, that's pretty cool. Uh, how do you feel that way? Good. Okay. So let's come back. So now we're going to work on a very, very extreme Dorsi flection. Okay.

So you really need to be very active in this one. Okay. So we are working on mobility here, but we are also working on strength and mobility into this, into this leg. Okay. So we go forward. Good. That's, this is the 12th of the clock. Extend more. That's it. And that's the whole difference.

You feel how it affects your dose inflection too. Interesting. So let's come back, um, and think the food forward just a tiny bit more. That's it. And now focus on this and then go a little bit out. So instead of going to the 12th, we go closer to this edge of the pillar. Fantastic. Good job.

You feel the food reacting and working extent here. Fantastic. And then you come back and maybe we can challenge internally, make sure that's it. So you go in and here it looks like you have a little bit more room. Okay. So this is also telling us how the ankle is behaves in, in your case. Okay. So now we can go all the way to the forward lands so we can go to the center position or whatever.

But in this case we're going to do the center sagittal position. So you have that, uh, contact that I wanted to take your hands out. So as high as you can and you can, you can use it. You definitely can get some, some support. The idea is trying to keep this smiths you can, but not to get very close to the wall. Okay. So let's go up. Okay. I know knee forward, knee forward, knee forward, knee forward. That's it.

I want it to load these like now I wanted to make sure that we have strength in this position and we can keep it there. Okay. If we go all the way up, we can take, we need to take the, the, the knee of the floor of the, of the wall. Sorry. But now I want you to come back. So we're not going to do that now. I wanted to focus on this hip. Okay. Because it's quite heavy and you use central gravity's for what you really need to be very active in, in the right hip, and they want you to actively sit to go down. So that's it. Standees one extend, extend, extend, extend, extend, extend. Stan. Good job. Okay.

Shaky. I know. Okay. So this is the idea when you have this feedback and you're really, really forward that the movement changes completely and now it becomes also active in the way down. Okay. So that's it. Daniel. Thank you. So great. A lot of shakiness. Okay, now we're going to do different exercises. Um, on the Cadillac. Um, the chair is really interesting to work on the lunch pattern, this reciprocal motions where one leg is doing flection, the other is to an extension. It's quite functional. It's quite practical. So I really, really like it. Uh, on the Kyla, we are gonna work basically on the end range of motion. So, so here's where we are not very strong is where our tissues are quite loaded and we are not very used to work. There's strength in that end range, uh, position.

And we're going to try to use the help of the springs and the Cadillac to facilitate the progression into our, uh, uh, a better conditioning for our,

Chapter 4

for our legs. Okay. So let's continue working on the, uh, lower extremities, air conditioning and, and mobility and stability and strength, everything. So we're going to use their Cadillac and the springs that are very useful. So thank you. Money for your help. So first I wanted you to, because we are going to use this environment to work on the end range of motion. So we really want to expand our ability to go really, really low into our squat and to load our tissues. Uh, the interesting thing about the full squad is that the, the heel, sorry, the ankle and the knee and the hips are at the end range of motion. So if you want to create movement from there, you have to really be as strong in the, in the whole range. Um, it's really interesting that the full squad, because of the same reason that the joints are the same at the end, the brains of motion, it's a, it's a very nice rest in position for us.

So we're gonna do our full squat. Okay. So I want to see if you can phase that way. America, Y uh, the, the, the position that you feel like, uh, it's, uh, easier for you. And I wanted to go all the way down if you can. Okay. Um, I'm here if you, if you have any issue. So let's go all the way down. Okay, good. So, so you have a full squad. You are not super comfortable right? In my hip flexors. Okay.

It's a little tight but, but it's okay. And then you go up. Okay. What is interesting for me is it's to see this little tiny adaptations that happens through a rotational plane. And that's why I use this because this actually is again, honesty check. Um, and is there the only way to make sure that we are not creating the motion in different places or that we increase our ability to have different possibilities of movement and not always creating that particular pattern that is in your case. So we're going to use the Mumbox. Uh, I want you to take the, uh, front part of the Malleolus on the edge of the box like that. Fantastic. And in the other one, so imagine that you are trying to kind of push with the big toes into the, that in, into the, into the box. Okay. So that is kind of getting rid of your kind of uh, adaptation. And we want to see what happens in your movement. Okay.

Does this tiny bit, okay, so let's do it. Good job. Okay. And then go up. You really, really manage to do it different. It's a bit different. Okay. So that's that bit different is what I wanted to work on and to train. Okay.

So we're gonna use the assistance of their springs cause these are a progression. So this is gonna allow you focus on different parts and to do a bit more repetitions. But we are gonna still use in the [inaudible] box. Okay. So instead of being so wide at the beginning, we're going to use the, the shorter ads by the position of the feet are the same as before. Okay. So use as little help as you can with this, but, but you can use as much as you need so, but the focus is trying to use as little as you can. Okay.

What I'm interested is a very active food. So like you want to really keep the big toes and the inner part of the food closer to the, to the moon books and then go all the way down into the squat. Okay. I know because it's narrow, you also have a little bit less room into the, into the hip. Okay. And go and go up so we can, uh, step back so you can get a little bit more assistance.

And if we need to we can change the springs and make it shorter so you get the assistance, uh, before. All right. So let's go there. Okay, good job. Good. Much better there. Right? Okay, let's do it again.

That's it. And this is what I want to see in the food. Really wants to see the food working. So the next progression we are going to do is we are going to sit, that's it. And from sitting you let the springs pull you forward. I know that's a good job. And then try to go as forward as you can without lifting the heels.

So what you probably feel is that the pelvis wants to do an interior too. That's totally fine. Okay. [inaudible] okay. Can You keep going? Ah, okay. But not up forward. That's it. Okay. Stop it there and then you go down and see. Okay, so I'm taking this out. You have the sense of what the food has to do.

I think you've got it. We go. Good job. Fantastic. And now try to go with the knees forward as much as you can. That's it. You feel the change in your pelvis. That will be enough. And then we come back. I see. So this is a very nice ways of working on the ankle, dorsiflexion in a very loaded position with a little bit of assistance. So let's do it in one more time, Ernie. Good job.

And now when you go forward, the movements that start going up and then I want you to go all the way up. There you go. Good. So what is interesting about you kind of released this if you like, what is interesting about this is that that you really understand that, that it's about having this ability to create motion at very end range. So what is very little motion, but this tiny bits and that information in your head is what is going to help you to, to progress today to the next thing. Okay. So can we continue? Yes. Good job. So, uh, we're gonna go all the way down again.

Alright. So tick, do you remember the distance that you were kind of supported there? Okay. One of the thing that is interesting, uh, that I usually take opportunity, like this exercise to work is in how we start the squat. The beginning of the squat is telling us a lot of what is going to happen next. So let's start a squat and probably I'm going to stop you. Okay. All right. And then you come back. Good. So that's, that's quite common, especially in [inaudible] teachers or people with experiences trying to be all the time read. But they're their reality, Marnie, is that, uh, if we want to start a squat, the best thing we can do is to really take the pelvis back and then the body goes into squat. Okay.

So try to focus a bit more in moving way. That's it. And when you need to bend your knees, so keep forward. And then Ben, it's more than forward, which is totally fine. It's backwards in the pelvis and then you go down. But I don't want to ruin, that's it. You are naturally it in the movement. It's like you're the one who just start thinking like quite a lot here is like really go back and back and back and be able to go down. And then from there, I'm winding movement. Okay, so let's, let's work on their whole pattern again.

And really bad back Beckman. Okay, fantastic. So now one of the best ways of getting weight or strengthening exercise, uh, we thought using weights or, or external loads is to go into one, one foot. Okay. Uh, but we are not very used to, sometimes he's very challenging. So from here with this little support, I want you to transfer the weight to one foot. Okay? So now what you're doing is to really get more activity, more challenge here.

And then we go to the center and then let's go to the other one. Okay. And this is the food in your case that gets more adaptation and you notice now, okay, so now you are starting to increase your, your awareness about what is going on in different parts of your body. So we go to the center and then we go to the left center and go to the right. That's it. Okay. So from there what I want you to do is to sit.

That's it. So now your weight is shifted to the right and then your sit. And then we repeat the exercise before. Remember, you don't want to go up. You really want to go forward. Fantastic. Okay. And then go down. So forward.

Good job. It's even better on one foot than before on on two feet. So let's go to the other side. So you are taking 80% of the load here, then you sit and then you go forward. Good job. And then you go down. That's it. And then you go forward. Okay, cool.

And then let's go to the center and go up. How's it going? Good, good. Fantastic. So now you are getting used to all this load in the end range. You're taking most of your way to one foot and now we're gonna. We're gonna progress. Okay? But the idea is the same.

So we start the movement by hinting back, really move away, back, back, back, back. That's it. Fantastic. And now the difference is that once you here and you shift the way you try to extend, but you can keep the heel down if you like it. Okay? So perfect. And then I want you to find a way of your leg back. Great job. So you centered yourself. That's okay. So you transfer the weight to the other place and then you extend that and we'd come back. Look, that is really interesting that coming back, you really need to find the rotation or the space. Totally fine. Make, make yourself comfortable in exploring that. Okay, so good.

Let's go to the first one and then go into the uh, single leg squat position. Like pistol squat. Okay. And then I want you to sit again, Sam idea. You can keep it there if you like or if you need to rest it. You can, you can keep it that way and again, forward with the knee. And that's enough. And then we come back, go forward again. And now we're going to change the legs. Fantastic.

So you transfer your weight, go to the other side, slowly, that's it. Go down, you can sit. And now we see again the little adaptations that your buddy do. That's okay. I'm just going to give you just a tiny feedback and then we come back forward. Good job. And then we sit. Okay.

So we're going gonna go up and shift to the other side again. Greater. And now in the other side, if you look, if you can go all the way up from, from here to here to up, fine. If not, I want to just go here and press and then release. But I want you to create that pressure in the lower end. Okay? So let's go there. You tire.

Okay. You can use this little support. So you sit, you come back on your feet, and then you press and then you go down. All right? You go up and we going to change legs. Keep breathing. Fantastic. So go to that side. So you get this support. You sit slowly is different phases. So first you go into the fit and then you press, okay, that will be too much. So trying to keep the Hilda. Okay, that's it.

And then you stop. Okay, I'm coming back. So that's, that's a a way to understand what it feels to have all this strength in the lower, in the lower end. Okay? So let's go up. You need to shake your legs a little probably, or you gather, okay? So now we're going to finish this progression during a, an assistant squad in the pistol position. So single leg squat, okay? But sometimes what we do, or we need this a little bit more support from the arms, uh, instinct instinctively, our body creates a little bit more tension to create more stability here.

So we're gonna use it that way. Okay? You can take your hands like this or like this. Whenever you feel ready. First thing I want you to do is trying to pull the stick into your chest as much as you can. We're going to work also in this range, and I want to give the barbies forward. That's it. And the ribs back. And now go on one leg and keep this as stability. Okay? Can you extend the leg forward? Fantastic.

Remember this and this, and now it's gone all the way down into the position. Good job. Good job. Fantastic. It's really, really good. Okay. Do you think you can go up? Okay. So let's go up. Okay. Okay. So youth a little bit here and then you go up. Okay. So that's another, that's another option. Uh, in the eccentric phase, in the negative phase, we have around 30% more strength.

So that's why you can easily go down going up, we don't have that, the the bandage, so that 30%, we lose it. So that's why it's totally fine that you can go here and doing it and when we go up, if you really need to get a little bit of support, that's, that's completely okay. I'm really interested in this part too. Okay, so let's do the other side just to try again. So make sure that to create the, this motion is not the erectile Spanish, it's more the extension of the hip that is creating the Stepdad's in the stability there. So lift the leg as much as you can. Okay. That's it. Good job. Great job. Try to go up if you can by yourself or if not, use a little bit. I think it's harder with my, with your leg down. Your arms bend.

Could be, could be. You want to try? Okay. Let's see. That's the only way to understand if a hypothesis is right or wrong, it's to do it. So you do the way you want. Okay. Good job. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So, so it's totally okay to use the help of the other one and then go into another d. The other one. Did you do any, anything else when you, when you are finishing here and that you grain up, if you can add this reciprocal extension and you can work on the stability here is really, really nice feedback. So we're going to try just the upper part.

So bent, try to keep rips quite lower ribs, quite back the pelvis forward. So everything has to work a little bit. Try to keep the weight on the metatarsal Stuart and now go into he flection, that's it. So the more he flection created here, the more extension you need to make there. And if you like, you can extend here. Okay, good job. And then you come back down and okay. So that's another way of using this and I'm preparing because it's not your case, but for many people during the business quality, it's about the key flection in their extending in the uh, in the is extending leg. The leg that is a straight, uh, so we need to work also in this, in this button. Okay. So thank you.

That's it. So, so that's their little ideas that we use for,

Chapter 5

for the Kyla and, and let's continue. Okay. So now we're going to ask that plane with a, uh, with each other. Um, again, one of the things that is really important is to make our body resilient to multidirectional. Ah, challenges. It's the idea of one dimension, one plane of movement. It's solely in our head, in the real wall. Every time we move, it's multidirectional. It's irregular, it's not linear. Okay?

So we need to become stronger in nonlinear activities. Okay? So, so this a little set that we can use to work on the stability of, of one leg, um, using the, the help of a, of a partner. Okay. So we're gonna start by, uh, standing on one leg, the one that you choose. Okay. And I'm gonna pick this leg. Okay. So I have it. This. Okay. So what I'm going to do is, and it's really, really challenging.

It's just creating little tiny movements. So you need to be able to lose and release here at the same time. Be Stable in the e the one on, I know. Okay. Okay. So you can start trying it. Okay. Start slowly. Give feedback. So lose, lose, lose. Use My help here. Yeah.

Okay. So you focused on being stable, but not to read it. Not to read it. Okay. So we can go and you can band the other one so you can band the other one that we can go here and here and there. Okay. That's it. Good job. Now you're getting used to no there. Okay. Okay. And rest. Okay, let's, let's try with the other one. Um, what is important is, um, let this knee go.

Let this knee go. Okay. It's not about being standing. It's about really being able to create all the movement that you need. Okay. So that, that's it. So that's it. Free Movement, free movement, and you can even jump. That's okay. That's what I want.

Great job. Great job. Great job on release this leg. Good job. Then they move you. Fantastic. Now you're moving. Now you're moving dow, you're moving. That's it. That's it. Okay. Arrest. Okay. Let me see the other ones. How is it going? I want to see, I want to see, that's it. So that's it.

UC. I love that word. It's my new English word. So, so let it be UC. So that is the idea. Juicy. Okay. Okay, good. Fantastic. So now which chains and another way that, another thing that we can do is we go on one leg again. Okay, that's it. No, you have to be loose enough to make me move this, that. So if I extend, if I bend, if I go in, if I go out that he finally come very fast. That's it. That's it. An extent. Okay. Good job. So let's change. So the idea is to work not in a linear way, like right left, but very random, very unexpected, careful. Make sure that the person is not very shy.

So they are just following what you are creating. Okay. So that's a good job. And the Hanson is trying to create an incorrect this mass possibilities as you can. Okay. So all the combinations that you can get.

Okay, good job. And you can become fast, fast, fast, fast. That's it. Great job. Okay. Okay. It's good for any activity that requires the ability on, um, and after awhile it gets, it gets very fatigue. What is important is, uh, don't do it through the pain. It's not like if we feel pain, we can do in it. No. If we feel pain, we have to stop and we need to probably go a step behind and do a little bit more linear exercises so we can start creating the strength in a more controlled situation. See how it works here, how it works here. Whoa, what's there?

But we cannot keep it there forever because in real life, that's not gonna happen. So we need to transfer into a more real activity. And this is more real. This is more like skiing or, or hiking. Whatever we do in is, is, is going to need this. The challenge. Okay? So let's change again. We're going to do a little, a little idea. So on one leg the same, okay.

Okay. You're getting tired now we're gonna move there, buddy. We're going to move the buddy. Okay? So make sure that you are juicy. Okay, so now go to one side to the other. That's it. So try to sit them, try to lift them. That's okay. Let's do it. Let's do it.

Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. That's it. So you can provide at the same time a little bit of support. If they are getting very good at that, you can start like that's it. That's it. That's the idea. Okay, so let's send you to the other one. Okay. It's a communication. That's it.

Okay, so go John. Nap. Greg. Up and down. Great. Yeah, that's it. That's it now. Great. Good job. How's it going? Okay, so now, now you cannot plan. Now you cannot anticipate it.

It's really, really reactive. What you really need to do. Okay. It takes time to get the partner in, right? I'm trying to understand how to create the proper input on how to let go. And that's one of the interesting things about doing stuff with other people is that you need to let go. And sometimes [inaudible] we are show perfect plan, all prepare them.

We do what we want to do, right so times is, it's okay to let go that ego and say, okay, let's see what happens and let's allow the other person to lead us to let us move. Which is really, really interesting thing too. Okay. That's one that's changed. Now it's not going to be reactive. It's going to be a little bit more a plan. But again, the partner is the boss. Okay. So we changed again. So I'm going to give you a target so you need to touch my hand with, with your foot. Okay. Okay. And keep it. Okay. And now I'm going to move, do the places that I want because I am the boss.

Okay. Okay. And then you go a good job. That's it. That's it. Okay. Unrest if there's the like dancing stuff a little bit. Alright. Okay. I want to see you. How you try. Okay. Let's do the other one.

Alright. That's a no. Wow. So great job. Great job. Fantastic. Beautiful. Okay, cool. That's it.

Okay. Rest a little bit. Okay. Done. Wow, that's good job. Okay, let's do that again. Okay. Yeah. The first one. Okay. Okay. So, okay, great. So let your body move. Adjust that. C, use all the help you need. I know. Great job there. Here, here, here, here. Good job. Good job.

Good job. Ah, okay. Fantastic. [inaudible] alright, good. Thank you. Thank you very much. Uh, for, for coming to the, to the workshop. I hope you will learn and you enjoy. Again, this is the, the last part of a movement, a journey which is really interesting from people that they don't move. They have fear or pain when they move. Um, and we use the politesse environment that is structured and is progressive and is, uh, very, uh, warm in order to get the people into movement.

So that's the most important thing that we do is we take people from a stereo. So non movers to movers. So zero to one, which is the most important thing. So the most important in everything in therapy, eh, chronic pain for whatever thing we're going to do. If we can take people that they don't move into movement through Gladys, that's the biggest strength, the biggest therapy that we can provide. So, so keep doing this. But again, if we want to progress and transfer the people from this environment of the studio into the real wall, we need to add and tweak part of the exercise that we do into this kind of reactive play and, and more, um, on inspected movement because this is what happens in the, the reality and what is interesting to me, uh, investigating what GOP [inaudible] is, did, is that the foods that we have from him outdoors, he was doing this kind of things. He was doing all these games and all these challenges and very flowing movement, very playful movement. So he already understood that, that the studio is, is an amazing environment to get the people into movement, to get rid of beliefs and pain. But then we need to enjoy it.

We need to do something outside. Okay. So that's the idea of the workshop and I hope you enjoy it. So thank you very much for watching. I hope you learn on looking forward to hear your comments and questions on the website and hope to see you soon. Thank you.

Continuing Education Credits

If you complete this workshop, you will earn:

1.0 credits from National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP)

The National Pilates Certification Program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)

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thank you, Juan, for this really great workshop! I especially like your concept of building strength to then do whatever we do with our knees - and the whole body - and being out of "alignment" in real life most of the time. I know it will be difficult with those people who have knee pain to progress because there is a lot of fear. Especially with knee-pain! But I am looking forward to try your exercises on the chair and then build up from there..
So grateful to see another workshop by Juan! Thank you Juan! Your work is impeccable, relatable, and applicable. Thank you for giving me permission to 'move' into the scary spots of my knee! Your concepts are easy to understand and uplifting. I've been trying to be mindful of not invoking 'fear' into my Pilates practice and you are a great example of optimism in movement!
Juan Nieto
Thanks so much Silke for your kind words. In my opinion most of the restrictions, even the ones that looks completely "physical" are due to overprotection of the nervous system and they're basically mediated by fear. If we can address a gradual adaptation to any kind of movements, our chance to help people are much higher. Thanks again and best regards.
Juan Nieto
Thanks Katie, I feel so humble knowing that you're on the other side of the screen. Be gentle with your knee, let it time to get stronger but don't let any belief or fear to prevent you to move more and better. Cheers!
Thanks Juan.  Particularly liked the side step-ups on the WC.  Will be a great challenge to introduce to clients. It definitely helped to try the exercises as you were talking through them.  
Juan Nieto
Thanks to you Vanisha. I think there quite some value in those little details, I'm sure your students will be able to get through it and reach the next level. Best!
Will this class be useful info usable without a chair?

Cheryl Z
I stand nine hours a day at work , in Tai chi horse stance...this work shop somehow not only got me extended bottom knee it got me lifting my ribs away from waist. Love this you are brilliant. I have walked away wanting to do one legged squats thanks for bringing back Joie de Vivre the journey towards that goal has energized my daily workouts. Brilliant work Gracias!

Lynn Milyo
1 person likes this.
This is a really great workshop!!  The way/insights Juan approaches Pilates and working with clients are really important for all Pilates teachers.  LOVED Juan's theories on "correcting or not correcting", creating options for the client, relationships in the body, and the body being ready and prepared to do a movement instead of "right or wrong".     Focus on progress and increasing options for the client.    I have a couple clients who are also PTs and I shared some of Juan's phrases and ideas and these PT clients thought they were great too.

If this workshop would be presented or recorded again, it would be helpful to have some close up/zoom in on the video in a few places. Would also be cool to have a handout with photos of the exercises.  

Thank you Juan.  I look forward to taking another workshop from you in the future.
Marchel A
Hi Lynn Milyo, thank you so much for the excellent feedback! 

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