Discussion #362

Exploring Inner Space

60 min - Discussion


Gil Hedley has created the word "somanaut" to describe those who explore the inner space of the body, and who discover there the rich terrain of themselves. Gil teaches in a field which he calls integral anatomy. Participants in his dissection workshops and lecture slideshows come from a wide variety of healing modalities as well as the world of fitness, including the Pilates community.

In October 2010, Gil came and spent a day engaging the local community in what he calls an "Integral Anatomy Intensive," during which he took us on a tour through the whole body, layer by layer, from an integral perspective. The following day, we filmed Gil exploring some follow up questions from the daylong course.

We at Pilates Anytime feel a particular resonance with Gil's approach to the body in particular and transformation in general. As Pilates instructors and practitioners, we explore the body through movement and exercise. Gil's integral approach highlights the very same continuities, and supports the kind of personal transformations which are at the heart of a sustained Pilates practice. We welcome him to our site, and are happy to share this conversation with our site members.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video

Jan 14, 2011
Somanautics Workshops, Inc.
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1 person likes this.
Thank you for sharing. Inspiring, profound and empowering. Gil's use of positive language, creative thought, and spirituality regarding the body, movement and health in general is something to aspire to.
Anna I couldn't agree with you more! I find Gil's perspective to be an incredibly powerful addition to what I am discovering as I explore my "whole self" through Pilates. He is coming back next weekend to film more for us. Anything you want me to ask him?
Thank you for this I really enjoyed it!!! I love hearing about the body and anatomy from different perspectives. And... what a gift to get to enjoy this from the comfort of my own home. Thank you Kristi and Gil for sharing this here.
Gil Hedley
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You're most welcome! I appreciate the openness of Pilates Anytime to my perspective, and am grateful for Kristi's invitation to be on the site. There's more to come!!!
1 person likes this.
Exquisite inquiry and dialogue--Thank you so much!
1 person likes this.
very interesting, thought provoking & Gil is quite amusing & warm isnt he. Just wish I could have heard all the participants dialogue. Thank you! more Gil Hedley please!
1 person likes this.
Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Loved Gil's insight.. Thank you for sharing...
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An amazing dialogue, almost spiritual. I can't wait to see more.
1 person likes this.
Fantastic! How refreshing to think and feel outside the box so to speak!

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