Center connects the heart and the hits. So this class also focused a little bit on opening the heart and opening the hips by way of the center. I want you to take that with you for the rest of today and for tomorrow. Think about places where you can lead with your heart. Open your heart, perhaps yawn with an open heart, yon with your body. Think about the same thing with your hips. How can you be more open in your hips, still supported by your center?
Think about ways that you can yawn through your hips. Do movements that feel good if you're choosing to power up. I recommend when you're going for a hike or a run or taking another class to do these yawning type movements throughout your workout. Think yawning, heart and hits. If you're choosing to power down a little bit and not push so hard because you need to center and ground yourself, then perhaps take moments outside as many moments as you can and think of yawning at the sun or yawning at the earth. And if that sounds a little silly, go with the silliness and have fun with it. I'll see you in a couple of days.
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