Introduction #3824

Beginner Series

1 min - Introduction


If you are new to Pilates, then this new series by Cara Reeser is a great introduction. Each class in this series has a different theme to help you bring your mind, body, and spirit together. These themes will also help you stay present in your practice in addition to giving you more than just a workout.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jul 08, 2019
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Hi, I'm Carol Reeser and I'm excited to introduce to you, uh, this beginning series of Mat classes for plays anytime. Goal being introducing new people you maybe to plots for the first time, but more importantly, sort of to give context to sort of what, what plot is, is besides just to work out. So I decided to look at this mind, body, Spirit idea and my assessment of what that really is. It's really about what it is to pay attention to bring our attention really fully to the moment, right to what we're doing. I chose a series of themes for you, themes being about centering, themes being about letting go, themes being about kind of focusing in on one area of the body. All is ways to bring a mindfulness to the practice, to bring body, mind, spirit together, to be together with yourself for the time that you're working out.

Because really, at the end of the day, that's what it's about, is taking an opportunity to get on your mat, be with yourself, and change a little bit. So I hope you enjoy the series and thanks for watching.


Lovely messages here Cara:) 
Reid B
So true.  I can feel a mental shift when I skip time from practice to practice.  A space becomes available that allows me to grow in ways I hadn't thought of which is needed during this time.  Thank you!

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