Introduction #4729

Why I Journal

1 min - Introduction
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A big part of Kira Lamb's challenge, I am Resilient, is her journaling prompts. At the end of each class, Kira will give you a prompt to write about. We spend a lot of time thinking about our physical fitness and tend to neglect our emotional fitness. We need to identify who we are and what we desire in order to experience joy, success, and fulfillment. A great way to tap into this is writing. Grab a pen and a journal and surprise yourself with what you discover!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 26, 2021
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Welcome to my challenge with Pilates Anytime. A big part of this challenge includes journaling. After each class, you'll receive a journaling prompt. Why? I feel like we spend a lot of time thinking about our physical fitness, but tend to neglect our emotional fitness. But what I think is really important is that we identify who we are and what we want, need, and desire in life in order to experience joy, success, and a sense of fulfillment.

And a great way to tap into our innermost truths and desires is through writing. So I encourage you to get a journal if you can, or at least have a pad nearby. And I think you'll be really surprised at what you learn about yourself through these journaling prompts. See you soon.


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