Tutorial #5701

A Powerful Gaze

5 min - Tutorial


Join Misty Lynne Cauthen for an insightful tutorial on how to position your streaming device to maintain a better neck position while working out. This class is perfect for those looking to ensure optimal alignment and comfort when taking an online class.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Aug 08, 2024
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Everyone is streaming their workouts these days, and you're on Pilates anytime. So that's what you're doing too. But I wanna talk about the power of the gaze. What do I mean? I mean, where your eyeballs go is really going to affect the safety of your workout. Here's an example.

When I'm on my phone, I tend to slump and slouch and look down. My eyeballs are pulling my head down, And this is something that we hear about all the time. Technek is a thing. So, therefore, why would it be any different when we're working out when we're streaming our classes, we have to be really, really careful of where our heads going. So I would like to talk to you briefly.

And if you Think about it. Every time you work out, I want you to remember this conversation. We're gonna talk briefly about how to position your streaming device so that you are going to be guaranteed a better neck position. Let's give it a whirl. If my laptop is here and I'm laying on my back, Well, I can't see it anything, really.

So in order to be able to see my laptop, I'm going to have to not just turn my head but I have to look down. And in this looking down, I'm compressing one side of my neck, which aside from being uncomfortable can put a lot of stress on those tiny bones on the outsides of the vertebrae. On top of it, once I go to lift my legs here, if this is straining for me and my back is lifting, I've got even more pull on one side. So there are a few things that you can do to improve upon this situation. The first one being You can just screen down toward me a little bit, and then I'm gonna lay back down and check it out.

So I'm still really having to crane my chin down to see that device. So I'm going to say that this is probably no Bueno for me. Instead, I'm going to move it more toward my side So even though I may have to turn my head, I don't have to do as much work in my neck to see the device. Now here's where things get dicey. When you watch your teachers do exercises like the rollover, And you'll see your teachers turn their heads, but not this teacher. You may feel inclined to do the same thing.

That is one of the most dangerous positions for the neck. Because if your form is not precisely on point, you're much more likely to cause yourself damage by rolling onto your neck and displacing the weight. So, ideally, what I would recommend is that you watch the whole video from top to bottom before you actually do the workout. That way, you already have heard it. Your brain will be prepared for what's coming, so you'll be less likely to crank your head to look at the screen to see what the teacher's doing.

It's just a good way of prepping the brain just as we would warm up the body before you start your workout. And one more thing I'd like to add. Sometimes we like to have our devices down by our feet. Again, this is okay as I'm rolling up and rolling down. I can see it. Hello.

But if I'm lifting my legs, now I can't see it. Now I'm doing all kinds of weird things, Again, the best place for your neck is going to be in the most linear, non loaded position. So Again, even in this circumstance, even if you're in a tight space, I really recommend keeping your device elevated and off to an angle so you have to do less work to see it. So please watch this video over and over again as you're trying to figure out where in your space to set up your devices to ensure yourself the safest and most fun workout


Julia Wheeler
Thank you for this, I teach fully online and I'll use this to be more aware of how I teach and tip and cues I'll use 

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