The box is going into the short position. For me, I know I need my box over the shoulder box. We're going to side over, bring your foot under your strap. I like to sit on the side of my hip, knee forward, and I like to tuck my foot. I want a diagonal about like so.
Take one arm over your head, the other arm forward, or hands behind the head. We bend into the well, and we lift up. Keep lifting that leg into your strap. I don't like to see the leg in the strap bouncing up or down at all. And you're going here into your full range. Don't shortchange it on me. We're not here Leone.
And maybe you even have two arms up. Last time, everyone, Come all the way up, pivot towards the strap. Pull your knee into your chest tight. Move doing a bit of climate tree. Take that leg up to the ceiling.
Pull your head towards your foot. From here, tuck your tailbone under, begin walking down. I'm gonna do the first one modified. I'm gonna go just to my lower back. Maybe you've gone all the way down.
Nodge your chin peel in and come all the way up. Pull your head to your toe. Tuck and walk your hands back, peeling through the spine, maybe coming into full extension, nod your chin, peeling as you come up, using your hands to create length. Last time here, making sure the hips are nice and square, open the heart, chin in, lift yourself up, up, up, release that leg and come into a figure 4 position, just stretching yourself forward here, keeping the spine long, keeping 2 sit bones heavy to the box, and that's set up for the other side. The foot comes into the strap. Again, I like to tuck my foot under.
Make sure you're on the side of your hip. One hand may be up, maybe two hands behind the head. And all the way into the well and lifting up. I'm gonna do a variety of different things with my hands. You choose what works best for you.
Full range of motion here. Don't shortchange it. All the way down. Few more. Make sure the head is not going forward. There's always a tendency to round the upper back Remember that leg is nice and still come all the way up, pivot to that leg.
Square off your hips into a bit of climate tree, hug the knee in tight first. Extend the leg out. Drop the shoulders. Pull your head to your foot. Tuck your tail. Take the leg with you.
I always take the first one as a little warm up and then peel in and all the way up. And, again, walking your hands down that leg. Light with your hands. So you have the room to completely come into the extension if that's what you're doing. The chin comes in, peel yourself all the way in and up. Pull your head to your foot.
Last time, everybody. Open the heart, shin comes in, peel yourself all the way up, pull your head to your foot, release your legs, come into a figure 4 position here. I'm using my hands behind me just to help me lengthen. The 2 sit bones are heavy to the mat. Place your 2 feet down right to the edges of the care carriage.
Notice the knees are parallel. Bring your hands back down. Right to the insides of your feet. Take one arm and spiral stretch up. And I'm creating a little brace here between my arm and my thigh.
Bring that hand dazzler ball ring a bit from yoga. The other arm comes up, and then my upper arm and my inner thigh are connecting. They're squeezing, and that really makes a difference. Come all the way up, roll all the way up through your spine, sit cross legged, Bring the palms up or down on your knees. Close down your eyes.
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