Discussion #817

I.C. Rapoport

80 min - Discussion


You've seen the famous photos I.C Rapoport took of Joseph Pilates back in 1961, but what do you actually know of the day those photos were taken or the man who took the photos? It turns out I.C.(Chuck) Rapoport took photos of many famous people, Marilyn Monroe, Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy and of course Mr. Pilates.

Chuck sat down with us to share his photos and his great stories that speak to the history of Joseph Pilates and the legacy we are all a part of. In this 75 minute discussion, you'll hear how it came to be that Chuck spent the day taking photos of Joseph Pilates, why the photos weren't published until 38 years later and what kind of man Joseph was in the eyes of the then budding photographer.

Click here to read the Sports Illustrated article.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Aug 31, 2012
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2 people like this.
This is such a remarkable interview. I especially loved the Joe Pilates fire engine story. So informative, yet entertaining and heartfelt. Absolutely loved it.
Reiner G
2 people like this.
Thank you so much Kristi for doing this interview.
I'm thrilled you both liked it. It was my pleasure! For my part I thank Chuck for offering up so much detail for us. Thanks Chuck!
1 person likes this.
Great interview! He definately was ahead of his time. I loved hearing about chuck's experience with Pilates as well as his whole career. Very interesting. Thank you Kristi.
1 person likes this.
Fascinating! Thank you so much Kristi for bringing Mr. Rapoport and his amazing experiences to us! Wonderful.
Paola Maruca
I had the privilege to meet Mr Rapoport in Rome in December 2012. What an experience. We briefly talked about Joe and he even payed me a big compliment by saying i really knew a lot about Joseph Pilates. I felt like a kid in a candystore to be in the presence of such a great personality. I am looking at the pic where Mr Rapoport is doing 'Contrology with Joe and at the few words he wrote for me underneath....what an honor and amazing experience. Thanks PA once again for bringing us the best of the best !!!!!!!!
Paola Maruca
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and i meant to say December 2011....:)
2 people like this.
Thank you so much for a beautiful interview! A wonderful piece of history that won 't be forgotten.
loved it!
Inga C
1 person likes this.
I loved this interview! Thanks for including this on Pilates Anytime.
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